
Saturday, February 22, 2020

Still hand stitching...........

I'm a little past the half way mark on my hand stitched binding but nothing to take a picture of.  Instead I'll show you the new Kaffe fabrics that I had to have.  There really weren't a lot this season that I cared for.

I think you can probably guess which print was my favorite....that I had to have 5 of the colors.

My son came over and worked on my lighting problem.  We finally decided there has to be a new fixture to replace the problem one.  It will be in Tuesday.  He fixed the one in the basement that the pull chain had come out of so now all of the basement lights are working.


  1. Relatives who can fix things are the best, and improved lighting is such a gift!

    It will be fun to see what you do with your new fabrics.


  2. I know the feeling to buy new fabrics, but mine are usually scraps or small pieces from the charity shops or ebay. But last week in Nottingham I actually bought half a metre of flamingo fabric, as my nieces daughter is a big fan of them, so I'm going to make her a crossbody bag - I think she'll be happy with that.
    Just thought I'd mention that my daffodil's have been in flower the past week - I thought that was a bit early but maybe I'm wrong :)

  3. I can see just why you got all the colorways--beautiful print...I did a similar thing yesterday with some Tula Pink fabrics...they are my latest fad...;))) hugs, Julierose

  4. I like those new fabrics. I haven't seen the new line yet, perhaps today I'll stop at teh shop that carries them when I go to pick up the missing fabrics for the QOV kit I bought at Sew-In a few weeks ago.

    Yay for fixed lights. I can't work without them any more. DH has no clue how many lights would need to be added if I moved the sewing to the basement. There's just no substitute for daylight and seeing out the window in my mind.

  5. What a great fabric design and in every color yet. Treat to see them all. And tha black and gold piece tucked in below. Then I noticed there's a black one of your favorite designs also. Black backgrounds make the other colors pop and glow. Glad Scott was able to help you get your lighting back. I agree with everyone, lighting is a must for any artwork.


  6. It’s so nice to have a handy son around! That was the print of the new Kaffe fabrics that I found interesting too. Love that aqua color.

  7. I like those, too! And it's fun to get them in different colorways. Oh, what will they become????

  8. I'm with you Wanda in that I wasn't sure about the range of KF Collective designs this year but I did by quite a few and have been taking a photos. I bought the Plink on Steroids as I called it when I first saw it, in two colours, Luscious I was undecided but then gave in and I did like the Ombre design and colours.
    Have you seen what they have coming in the August release? C heck out the Free Spirit site, there is a gorgeous pattern Watermelon in beautiful colours.

  9. Pretty fabric! I like the light one and one with the red background the best. That will help so much to have that light working. Since you are in a basement you need good lighting for sure!


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