
Friday, February 21, 2020


I could have used just about any color binding to go with the front of the quilt so I looked at the more limited colors on the back and chose this 20+ year old Hoffman fabric for the binding.  I think it is probably closer to 30 years old.

I decided to hand finish the binding on this one so I got it sewn on and started the hand stitching.  

I also did more cutting of print 1.5" squares for my postage stamp quilt.  It was cold yesterday so it was a good day to just stay inside.  40s on the weekend and maybe even 50 on Sunday....heat wave.....I may have to do some outside work.


  1. Neat fabric with those multi-colored's supposed to warm up here, least--despite the cold (16 degrees) the sun is out...hugs, Julierose

  2. I do remember having some of that Hoffman fabric in several color ways. Love this color. Yes, from the early it is about 30 years old! It looks great here.

  3. I had a piece almost like that but it had butterflies on it. It looks wonderful as the binding. It is cold here this morning and is affecting the job site. The sand has to be watered down and it is so cold the mix then sticks to the roller. They are going to have to wait to lay down any more layers of sand until it warms up.

  4. Gorgeous fabric for binding -- love that photo of the crumpled quilt with the newly bound edges. What a great quilt to enjoy in the lap.

  5. That wonderful Hoffman peacock--I have it in red and in grey--I believe all used up except for bits in the scrap boxes. What a spectacular binding it makes!

  6. All has been said about your binding choice, and I too agree. Your fabric stash is timeless and as always "exuberant".


  7. Hooray for binding, as that means you're close to another finish... Congrats!!

  8. Looks like a perfect choice for the binding. Yay!

  9. I had the fabric too. Would never have thought of it for a binding but it looks great.

  10. Some of the Hoffman binding fabric you're using may be languishing in my stash, it looks very, very familiar, a lovely fit with all your zipper colours.


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