
Thursday, February 20, 2020

A bunch of squares.................

Yesterday I remembered that I had some trays of 1.5" squares that I used for colorwash.  I pulled them out to see how many I could pull out for my postage stamp blocks.

This is the group I pulled, enough for 2 2/3 blocks.  Last night I got 4 blocks sewn in one direction.  I'll press them and sew the other direction today and hopefully sew a couple more too.

A couple people asked about the recipes for the cookies that I bake for my art quilters group.  Their favorite is the peanut butter cookies.  This is the recipe I have always used and it is for crispy crunchy cookies, not soft ones.  I use Skippy Super Chunk peanut butter in them and always Land O'Lakes butter for the shortening.  For the Chocolate Chip Cookies I still use the Nestle Toll House cookie recipe on the chocolate chip package.  For the chips I put in 1 cup of semi-sweet and 1 cup mixture of chocolate chunks and mini chips.  This assures chocolate in every bite.

I mentioned awhile back that anyone who has not changed their blog from HTTP to HTTPS should do it immediately.  Go to your settings in Blogger and on the Basic page in the middle is a place for https redirect.  You should change it to YES.  HTTP is not secure, not safe.  You might see on the URL line of some blogs that is says Not Secure.  If it is safe there is a lock symbol at the far left of the URL line.


  1. Thank you for the HTTPS advice; I was relieved to see the lock sign on my blog through no effort on my part.

  2. I changed mine to the https when you mentioned it last time and I hadn't had a clue it wasn't on that setting then - so many of us are clueless when it comes to computers and thankful for those of you that know about them.

  3. Ah! that is the peanut butter cookie recipe that I used to make when I was in High School. I got it from a library book in the school library. Those are so good.

    I have the HTTPS turned on, but when I go to my blog is shows secure and then changes to insecure. Odd! Now I will have to see if I can find a solution for that.

  4. What a great find on those 1.5" squares! I can imagine that some of those prints just didn't work well for colorwash, but they will be perfect for your postage stamp blocks.

  5. I love Land o Lakes butter and half and half. I can taste the difference. I made pancakes this morning for the grandkids and used that butter melted in the batter, and they were light and glorious, even though gluten free. Nice find for the blocks.

  6. Thanks for the recipe. The kids here love peanut butter cookies.

  7. Your trays of found fabrics look as delicious as your cookies. And already cut 1.5 ", that had to make your day !



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