
Sunday, February 23, 2020

Binding finished...........

I finished the hand stitching on the binding but it was after 10 p.m yesterday so I haven't taken the final photos yet.  I'll do that today. 

I'm hoping to clean up one section of the garage today since it is supposed to be warmer than usual.  I hope there will be sunshine because my garage faces east and that would warm it up more.


  1. of my favorite patterns

  2. Looks pretty all folded up so neat and tidy. Will look forward to seeing it in full.

    Warm weather here in e mountains also. Mid 50's .... Feels like spring. Mother Nature loves to gives us surprises...


  3. Looking forward to the full finish reveal, Wanda!

  4. Nice one, Wanda. My hubby pulled a potted plant off our north step last fall, cleaned the dead stuff out, and put the pot in the garage. This week he noticed green - one of the plants is growing. This is not a February thing. So he put it closer to 'warm' and gave it a drink. We shall see if this is a good thing or not!! Looking at it reminded me that our garage needs a good cleaning also... :-(

  5. Not warm or sunny here - cold and wet and gray again. But the daffodils are blooming - their cheery yellow is SO welcome.


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