
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Slow start.......

I was feeling really lazy yesterday but I finally worked on a few things.  I made 5 new strippy blocks for a future project.

I still had the last batch on the wall so I put the new ones up for a photo. Now they will join the other 54 blocks and wait for inspiration.

I have seen very few birds the last month or two.  The crows are the only visitors lately and they clean up under the suet baskets.

I wanted a red fabric for the binding on the Australian triangle quilt but didn't have enough of any of them.  I decided on this fabric which I have used in  my Australian fabric quilts even though it really isn't one of them.  I had enough of it for the binding so it is cut now.
While I had the iron on I pressed 11 more fabrics for the postage stamp quilt since I want to finish that top this month. 

I hope I can get motivated earlier today and get the binding sewn on the Australian fabric quilt and ready for hand stitching.  Maybe even start the hand stitching. 


  1. I have seen less birds this winter at my feeders and surprisingly no squirrels!! I have always had way too many squirrels hanging around when I start to fill bird feeders in the winter and actually started later this year because of them - where have all the birds gone and squirrels

  2. Unfortunately, we still have 6 squirrels haunting our feeders, and the only time we see a lot of birds, is when it snows. I've heard there are a lot of coyotes around, which could account for the lack of squirrels in some areas. I spent the day going through, ironing and sorting scraps yesterday, because I needed some mindless work!

  3. Very few birds around this year--maybe the warm rainy weather has them confused...not ANY snow here and it's 42 degrees today!! not like any February I know!!
    Lovely fabrics...hugs, Julierose

  4. Those striped blocks are so pretty. I really like the fabric you choose for the binding. It will go well with the Australian fabrics. That would be a lot of postage stamp block to get done by the end of the month. Those colors are gorgeous. I saw a bright read cardinal the other day. He really stuck out against the drab, brown trees. The owls have be around too. I heard them hooting last afternoon yesterday and the other night about 3 in the morning. Usually when I don't see the birds it is because there is a hawk in the area.

  5. Super cute new project, Wanda!! I was just watching a video of something similar last night. And thinking about the mind of scrappy strips up in the studio. Alas, no time for those this week (I'll leave the strip sewing to you!)

  6. All great projects to do- hope you get an infusion of energy and enjoy working on them.

  7. You may have had a lazy day yesterday, but it sounds like you've a busy one planned for today.


  8. LOVE your strippy blocks - and your binding choice for your Australian triangle quilt - and your solids for your postage stamp quilt. You should have some great finishes this month - ;))

  9. FAR fewer birds here - we've been blaming (a) the hawks and (b) the effects of pesticides/herbicides on the neighborhood bug population. We have three sets of cardinals now and I love their bright reds. A few smallish birds along with robins/bluebirds - but no where near as many as we used to feed.

  10. I do like your line up of solids for the Postage Stamp quilt. Shame about the birds not visiting so much I always enjoyed seeing which ones were visiting your feeders.

  11. I’ve been enjoying your blocks for the postage stamp quilt—now it’s almost done and that will be fun to see too. Haven’t noticed much change in our birds this winter except there has been a small flock of bluebirds in our neighborhood and we’ve loved spotting them on our walks.


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