
Wednesday, February 12, 2020


I decided I needed to get the binding done on this quilt instead of working on some other projects.  I just have one short side left to hand stitch.  Here you can see the 3 backing fabrics as well as a corner of the quilt top.

We still have some snow on the ground and another snow storm should be here this afternoon, really cold Friday and then into the 40s on Monday.  I hope the snow will all melt next week.

I was surprised in the comments yesterday to hear there are fewer birds in many parts of the US.  I can't believe the hawks have eaten all of them.  I see an occasional Chickadee and a couple woodpeckers in addition to the crows.  The squirrels are still here and trying their best to get to the birdseed.


  1. I think much of the bird changes are from the change in our climate... especially the uncertainty of the storms/cold. I have not seen the number of robin flocks, that I used to see in town out here in the country, but that could be because the fields are much bigger than city lawns. I see dozens of chickadee, titmouse, nuthatch, cardinal, junco at the feeder in the front as well as 4 variety of woodpecker and a few sparrows and a hawk every week or so. While we have mostly oak trees, see very few squirrels at least in the yard. Occasionally we also see a blue heron and a green heron hanging at the pond, but not often enough for me!!!

  2. That is exciting that you will have that quilt done soon! That binding looks great!

  3. The decline of song birds is due to changing climate patterns which also affects their insect food source, and by the elimination of grass/pasture, timber and swamp lands for row crops and sterile housing and commercial development. The wide spread use of chemicals on crops and lawns to eliminate insects doesn't help much either.

    At our feeders is mostly house sparrows, a couple types of native sparrows, juncos, cardinals and blue jays. The blue jays have been taking cat food from the dishes, it's so funny to see their reaction when they realize there's a cat snoozing close by.

    I love the binding choice for this quilt. I think I need to expand my thinking when I'm looking for bindings for my quilts when I get that far.

  4. Unfortunately cats are the worst problem for wild birds at feeders. While climate change and pesticides certainly do plenty of damage it's been proven that cats allowed to run free outside are the major cause of wild bird death.

  5. Fun getting a sneak peek at your valentine quilt almost done. I never get tired of seeing your beautiful fabrics on this one.

    Must tell you, the birds are alive and well here in the mountains and we're filling the feeders non stop.


  6. When I blew the picture up, it looks like a large vivid abstract painting.


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