
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Quilt finish #3 for February..............

The red and white star quilt is finished.  I pieced the top in January and used my very best red fabrics.  I knew I wanted to make a quilt with the white and black prints again and this was perfect for them.  It is a small quilt finishing at 43.5" x 67.5".

The backing fabric is mostly red and white with little tiny yellow and orange birds on it.

We got about 4" of snow all day Sunday and into the early hours yesterday.  My snow plow guy came around 10 a.m. and plowed the driveway and then the sun shone most of the day and melted off the residue.  It is clean for a couple days....more snow predicted early Wednesday morning and then freezing rain later in the day.  What a winter!


  1. I love love love it, too. The quilt is striking and beautiful.

  2. Oh my! This is a beautiful quilt, I just love it.

  3. Such a pretty quilt! Good for you to have a finish for the month. You received a lot more snow that I got. Again another heavy dusting - shoveling required. I am not looking forward to the freezing rain tomorrow.

  4. Amen to what a winter! I'm in Kansas City, MO and we have same forecast for Wed also. Reminds me of winters when I was a child (good ole days) :) Love the red and white quilt...did you post the pattern already? Is it a very time consuming or difficult pattern?

    Love your blog as always it's the first thing I look at in the mornings!

  5. Yep. LOVE this quilt too. Really enjoyed your process and how all the reds look together. You are amazing, Wanda!
    Snow here starting early in the morning, then ice/sleet (the worst). Beautiful and sunny right now though--so nice to see!

  6. Such a beautiful quilt, love the colour combinations as well.
    Sorry you still have snow and more to come. I was out in the garden today cutting down the winter rubbish, just wearing a cotton top without a coat - the sun was shining and just warm enough so I didn't get a sweat on - perfect :)

  7. Stunning, spectacular, magnificent ! It just sparkles on my screen, your hues of reds are unbelievable. I too love it !

    So where does Lesley Gilbert live to be out in her garden in February ? I'm sure south somewhere.... Lucky lady (^._.^) I'd be boasting too if I was her. It was 9 degrees when I began my 2 mile walk today and 16 when I finished up. And I had on so many layers I looked like the Michelin tire man.


  8. That looks perfectly beautiful. Our winter has been exceptionally cold for us.

  9. That is a very red quilt, lol! Who doesn't LOVE red? Beautiful!

  10. I'm so proud of you for using your "very best reds." We all tend to save those fabrics when we really ought to use and enjoy them.

  11. This is a fabulous red and white quilt. I have a fondness for red and white quilts anyway but these blocks work so well together!


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