
Monday, February 18, 2019

Red binding..................

I was planning to make more pineapple log cabin blocks yesterday but changed my mind and finished the quilting on this red star quilt.  I had a half yard of a red print that wasn't used in the quilt so I cut it for binding.  I have the hand stitching done on 3 sides and have started the fourth side.
We had snow most of the day yesterday.  I don't see crows in my backyard too often but the black against the white snow under the suet cages caught my eye and I snapped this photo before it flew away.  


  1. I only got a dusting of snow yesterday. The roads were ok this morning if they were salted, but I drove on one that had not had a lick of salt and it was slippery. It is 30 degrees and drizzling so ice was forming. That black crow against the white snow is so pretty.

  2. You are closing in on another 2019 finish and it's a beauty! Way to go, Wanda.

  3. I Love seeing my black dog on a field of white snow......

  4. Another lovely photo finish (^._.^) Plus you captured that ole crow, you made him/her look quite regal.


  5. The red is luscious on the quilt. We got snow last night and a little now. A bit of sunlight which makes a big glare for me to drive in. Nice outside shot.

  6. Such glorious reds . . . and the crow photo is terrific.

  7. Love all the reds you have been making lately! Sort of warms up the cold, doesn't it?


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