
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Winter is here...........

I was in Omaha NE from Thanksgiving day til Sunday morning.  We headed home with blizzard warnings with high winds in our path.   Luckily we only hit one area of about 90 miles that was pretty treacherous and were home by 3 p.m.  The real snowstorm and strong wind in our area started after 6:30 p.m.  Around 8 p.m.  I heard a noise that sounded like it was on my roof.  About an hour later a policeman came to my door and told me my phone line might be interrupted for awhile.  The tree across the street came down and hit the pole which jerked my phone line off the connector on my garage and that is the noise I heard.  This is just excess length of cable laying on the ground and the phone is still working. The city crew put road closed signs right in front of my house at midnight Sunday and no phone repair people have come yet.  The temperature dropped to the 20s yesterday and won't be warming up today.

I have some good sized limbs down in  my backyard.

I added some more pieces to the African crazy pieced blocks and cut them into 10.5" squares.  Here they are with spaces between them and.........

here they are edge to edge.  I'm going to make 2 more blocks and then make some decisions about them.


  1. Your world outside is black and white, but it is a chaos of exuberant colors inside!! Beautiful!

  2. I'm glad you made it back home before the weather got too bad. Winter seems to have come early this year. I guess that makes for good times to stay in and sew!

  3. I am glad you made it home safely! Winter showed up here late yesterday. The wind was strong yesterday, but it was warm enough that it was just raining. We have only the grass covered with snow. The streets are clear, but there are a few slick spots.

  4. Ninety miles of treacherous weather? Yikes! Glad you are safe and the tree did not fall on any houses. Stay warm, it is coming our way today.

  5. Wow! Winter certainly has arrived. Glad you made it home safe.

  6. I'm liking those African crazy squares.........especially the photo of four of them edge to edge: the is a definite heart shape there!!! A year or two ago you were doing quite a bit of African fabric work, and I was inspired to collect some. So far, I'm just petting it.

  7. Glad you are home safely and that your power stayed on.

  8. 90 miles of bad roads and weather are scary, glad you made it home. The storm missed St Louis completely.

  9. Yikes- traveling in that kind of weather is white-knuckle time. Glad you made it home and are snug and safe while winter howls outside. A good time to sew.

  10. glad you made it home ok it sounds like it was pretty bad, I had seen it on the news. Sorry you know have tree branches to deal with and the phone company should be around soon I'm sure - glad it wasn't any worse and that you are safe.

  11. Glad you are safe. It seems to be really ugly up there according to news and weather channels.

  12. Your Blizzard hit our weather news last night and the weather guy, said Chicago is the coldest place he'd ever been to in the winter. He'd said, cuts right into your bones. (*._.*) Been there, done that, and sure know what he was talking about. SOooo glad you made it home safe and sound, I remember those roads are wicked in the winter. And you know where I live too. Hope the city crew gets all cleaned up ASAP.

    Your African blocks are mesmerizing ! Anxious to see your final creation..


  13. Glad you made it home ok. We caught the tail end of that storm. Had lost a lot of its power. We had a large tree limb fall on our deck and our electric line to the house has tree limbs on it. The power company will have to cut down the limbs. So far we have electricity. I like your squares but can't decide which way I like them best.

  14. Must have been a horrible journey travelling in that snow. Now you have black and white outside but warmth and colour inside. I wonder what you'll do while you have to stay indoors haha. I'm happy to say it's cold here but mild for the time of year and no snow :)

  15. Surprised to hear you were here in Omaha. Yay! GBR Hope it was fun.


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