
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Border day.........

Since the basement was already clean my 2 friends came over to sew yesterday.  I decided I would work on the borders for this Marcia Derse star quilt.  I always dread doing borders so working on it with company made it a more pleasant task.  I had just barely enough to do the outside border.  This is 66" x 81" now.  I'm really happy with the way it turned out and glad I stuck with it and put on the borders.  This is the second time I have made this quilt.  Here is the other one.  It was made 28 years ago.
Here is a closeup of the borders.  The inner border leans toward greenish beige even though the camera didn't want to show that.  It is in the star blocks in the opposite coloration, light background with darker lines.  


  1. The border frames the stars so nicely. It is good you went ahead and got this top done.

  2. These borders look great around your star blocks. Nice finish!

  3. This is stunning. I love it. And that block is one of my all time favorites.

  4. I love everything about this quilt top. Love it!


  5. What a way to start the day! The border is equally breathtaking as the center blocks and combined it becomes a masterpiece. Another grand treasure for this terrific blog.

  6. Good morning Wanda....I love the fact, that border #2, gives the appearance of fringe between the other 2 borders. Very interesting fabric choice. I see the use of the same fabric in different colorways in several other blocks, and I really like it.

  7. Great borders & use of patterns.

  8. You surprised me that you dread doing boarders... your borders ALWAYS are as creative as the body of your creation. And my oh my, this border is amazing. An absolutely gorgeous quilt. Every time it's 'boarder time' invite those two friends over, this boarder is spectacular !


  9. Amazing! So enjoy the fabrics you picked as borders. Between them and the beautiful blocks it's fantastic.
    The first quilt like this one is just a wonderful. Enjoy the day!

  10. The borders are perfect! I’ve loved the blocks and the borders just set them off so well.

  11. Wow! Super top - it all works so well. :D

  12. Terrific choices for the three border fabrics -- they set off the stars beautifully and frame the quilt without being overpowering. HOORAY for a great finish!

  13. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netNovember 8, 2018 at 12:17 PM

    I always enjoy seeing what you are working on -- it is always wonderful.


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