
Monday, October 1, 2018

Block number 9...........

This Marcia Derse fabric star block number 9 has a lot of neutral colors and will be a good partner with the other blocks.

Here are all 9 blocks but if I'm making 12 blocks I need to reconfigure the layout to get blocks separated that have the same fabric in them.

This layout shows where the spaces are and I will have to be careful which fabrics I put in the last 3 blocks.  Three of the blocks have part dark and part light fabrics at the edges of the blocks.  Others have all dark or all light.  I think that adds interest to the all over layout.

There won't be a monthly recap this month.  I didn't finish any quilt tops or quilts.  It was a month of only starts.


  1. These blocks are so pretty! This is going to be a fabulous quilt!

  2. The corners of #9 are a bit dark, unless you are totally giving up on the idea of light and dark edges. The colours overall are wonderful.

  3. Starts are good - they lead to things that can be finished later!

  4. This quilt is fascinating. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Story of my life, week of starts, month of starts, year of starts. That's the most creative and enjoyable part for me. Though since I have retired I am getting more in the completed column! I'm loving these Marcia stars coming together. Thanks for being here every morning to get my day started.


  6. You can't have finishes if you don't have starts! But my question: have you just made one block each day? I'd have a hard time just making one.

  7. You give me the greatest ideas for putting fabric together. Thanks for posting every day.

  8. Each block is so very different and yet they all go together beautifully. This is one extraordinary quilt, anxious to see it along side the first one you designed years ago. I hope Marsha Derse sees your awesome design.


  9. It is so amazing how different each block looks depending on the colors and values used. This will be another stellar quilt.


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