
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Block number 10........

I really like the Marcia Derse fabric star block number 10.  

Since it is a light edged block there was only one place it would fit in.  I started laying out block 11 while I watched TV.

I mowed the front yard and then went for a walk through the backyard to pick up some twigs.  I had to go back inside for my camera for a photo of the volunteer purple asters.  No matter what time of day I try to photograph them, the camera just won't capture the intense purple of the flowers.


  1. Another very pretty block. The asters are still pretty regardless.

  2. Nice block, I like the colors. Yesterday I drove by a house that had four very large Astor bushes, really purple and colorful.

  3. I used to have several purple aster plants, but some animal kept eating them down to the ground, so I gave up and got rid of them. Having the woods behind is beautiful, but we have so many more little critters who enjoy trimming our plants, so most of our flowers are in pots. Love this latest block.

  4. Good morning, Wanda,
    One the early blocks, the one three rows down and on the right, really bothered me for a while because I kept "reading" an X rather than a star. This is the one that you mentioned that the small blue and light triangles had been reversed. Now that you have created more blocks I find that it fits in well and really adds to the liveliness of the quilt. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful creative process on your blog, each and every day. Marnie

  5. Each star has a personality of It's own. And yet they blend so well . Two more to go and I'm so anxious to see the grand finale.


  6. Our asters were a "fail" this year. Looking forward to trying again next year. Love watching the starry top evolve.


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