
Saturday, December 30, 2017

Organization and quilting..........

I get really irritated with myself when I can't find something.  I solved the problem of finding the long strips of backing that are leftover.  I put them in one box and always put the box away in the same place.  I was looking for a strip of Kaffe fabric to add to a full width piece for my half hexagon quilt.
I label each piece to make retrieval easier.

I found these Kaffe and Brandon fabrics and I think one will work.  Then I changed my mind on which quilt I was going to finish but I'll come back to this one today.

This is the one I ended up quilting.  I did organic (wonky) straight lines since the piecing is all wonky strips.

For this one I used one of the 60" Kaffe prints that they call decorator weight.  It is a little heavier than regular quilting cottons but still soft and flexible.  I cut the binding last night and will get that sewn on today as we go down below 0 again.  Time to stay inside.


  1. I looked for two years for a book and finally found it, but still looking for a three yard piece of navy blue print. It is in a tub I haven't gone thrugh yet. Your string quilt is really pretty. Love the backing. Chris

  2. I keep my strips in one box, but did not think to label them. I do label the long strips of batting that I save.
    I do love the quilt you quilted- all the colors and widths. I can't remember what you called it when you made it. Hovering around zero here also in the snow.

  3. Labeling the strips is an excellent idea - I do that with yardage that is purchased for backing (usually pieces over 2 yards) so that I don't have to unfold and refold when I need to know how much I have. The quilt you chose to finish is a beauty!

  4. Good morning Wanda on this very cold morning in our neighborhood. Just about froze everything off this morning when I went outside to retrieve the newspaper in my robe. Brrrrr, it was nippy. Your last project to finish for the year is gorgeous with all those beautiful fabrics brightening up the screen of my laptop. I think it's one of my favorite quilts that you've made. It doesn't look as though we will get any relief from this weather for another week or so.

  5. love the quilt - the colors are just WOW - so nice and bright and will wake you up for sure. The quilting goes perfect with it.

  6. What a great idea to label the size of the strips and keep them organized together in a labeled tote to find them!

    I think I will make that process part of my New Year's resolutions!

    Beautiful quilt! Always so much fun to see what you have been up to each day.

    Stay warm!


  7. Stay warm. It sounds brutal for you. I really like your labeling of the strips idea. That makes it so much easier.

  8. Always fun to see what quilt top you will pull to finish up for the month. This one is another beauty.

    Your blog really brightens up my gloomy winter day. Working with bright happy colorful fabrics is very therapeutic I think. Inspires me to get back into my workroom.


  9. I've always admired your methods for keeping things tidy and organized. You seem to find just the right backing fabric for every project, from your stash. Amazing. This quilt is gorgeous. Keep warm!

  10. I love this quilt, so pretty and colorful:) I try very hard to be organized but I would never say that I had it down . . . maybe that is because I am always rearranging things . . . so I'm always moving their storage place and then forgetting , LOL.
    Happy New Year!
    Connie :)

  11. What a great idea for organizing a special subset of your stash. I don't like having to hunt for items either!

  12. MAN, with everything you accomplish and ALL of your organization, it really screams at me "YOU LAZY SLUG!!". I (more often than not) sit here thinking about what I should be doing but don't get up to do it nearly often enough. Oh well....

  13. I love wavy organic lines. My go-to.

  14. I do like the way you organize and label these lengths it would save a lot of time! I just love this Kaffe quilt, shows why we enjoy working with all the colour in the fabrics from the Kaffe Collective.
    What is the size of this quilt?

  15. Just beautiful! I'm not a quilter but I have been piecing together key fobs with my 1.5" scraps. Something about making something new out of what other people would just toss thrills me.


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