
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Finish #24 and more..........

I finished the last of the red crazy pieced blocks and made 2 extras.  The 2 blocks I pulled out are at the right.  They were just too different than all the rest.  I needed to get this off the design wall since this is my photography wall.

I found the larger lint rollers at Target this year.  The label says extra sticky and they do a great job on cleaning the threads off the design wall.

Here is finish # 24 for 2017.  I finished the binding by machine.

Here is one more peek at the backing.  I'm so happy I finally used that 60" wide Kaffe print.

Here is a sneak peek of what went on the frame yesterday afternoon.  I haven't trimmed it yet.

I didn't really intend to quilt another one last night.  I was just going to load it but after I did the stitching to hold the top edge I just kept going until it was done.  I haven't taken it off the frame yet so I have two bindings to do today.

This is the scene outside my kitchen window when the security light came on....coneflower seed heads with snow on top.  It was -2 degrees at 10 last night and it warmed up to 0 by midnight.


  1. Congratulations on completing 24 quilts this year and have a wonderful 2018 creating many more.

  2. AS always, your quilts are beautiful. Happy New Year!

  3. You sure have completed several quilts this year. I can't say the same. This red quilt is really an eye opener. It is -2 here right now and windchill is -17. Don't plan on going out any today. Have a Happy New
    Year Wanda. Chris

  4. LOVE finish #24. It is amazing how beautiful a quilt can be made from scrap strings. Wishing you a Happy and healthy new year.

  5. I love your colorful quilts! This new red one is perfect!

  6. congratulations on so many finishes. Snow and cold I hate to say I am ready for spring already but I am and winter is barely started LOL - Have a Happy New Year and hope to see many more quilts from you

  7. Love your latest finish, #24 and I 'hope' to make something like it next year. Your snow looks nice but I'm happy to say we don't have any and it's fairly mild today, for the time of year (what's left of it haha) Wishing you good health and happiness for 2018 Thanks for all your shares and inspiration:)

  8. What a great way to finish out the year! Love the piano key finish on the red quilt.

  9. Such beautiful colors! Thanks for the tip on the rollers. Happy New Years!!

  10. 2017's going out with a bang for you, quilt-wise! These are gorgeous, and a fitting finalé for the year. I'm so glad you're back to good health... sure looks that way from the completion pace here. #24 is a feast for my eyes, and the red beauty is inspiring me to dig out my reds and start piecing little fragments. Happy 2018, Wanda!

  11. Love the red quilt!! so cheery and warming with it being so cold. as another person said, makes me want to get out all my red scraps!! love the type of rail fence under neath it. YOU are prolific!! so Congratulations!! Happy New Year! Take care and stay warm from Iowa

  12. I would love to see a diagram of how #24 went together. I can't figure out the pieces within the quilt.

    It's gorgeous! I love string quilts and this is a new take for me. I might try something like this!


  13. I assume you will finish binding off those two today with giving you a grand total of 26 for year 2017 ! (*._.*) Or am I assuming too much ? # 24 is a spectacular quilt.

    Your night shot of your snowy winter night was so peacefully pretty. Heathy wishes for the New Year ~ if we are healthy we are happy !
    Right ? JJM

  14. What a lot of pretty accomplishments you shared today! They are all beautiful, and as always I do love seeing your superb color/pattern sense on display. You are a continual inspiration to me! Happy New Year!

  15. I need to look for that style of lint roller - much more sore-thumb-joint friendly!! Happy New Year.

  16. Good day, thanks for all your e-mail. Is your red crazy pieced block quilt top for sale. I want to buy it, Only the quilt top and than a friend here in South Africa, will finish it of for me.Please Marietjie


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