
Sunday, October 1, 2017

More grid blocks...........

On Friday night I pieced some more grid blocks while watching TV.  See this post for the inspiration and this post for more blocks.  The light color in this group is a Skye Dyes hand painted fabric by Mickey Lawler.

I also made this group and as much as I like them I don't think they will work with the other blocks.  I am just using any and all of the fabrics that had multiple strips already cut in the 1.5" batik strip box.  I can see using these by themselves in a small piece.

My daughter and son-in-law are here from the east coast.  My daughter will be here for over a week (maybe 2) so we can work on a computer project together. 😊


  1. Lucky you to have your daughter for an extended visit! Enjoy your time together!:)
    You are smart to have mindless sewing lined up for during tv time. I'm webbing a baby quilt now which fits the bill - watching many episodes of The West Wing.
    Enjoy this gorgeous fall weather!

  2. The last ones remind me of fall. I could see them with sky blues around them. Does your daughter still own that big property that was featured in a documentary a while back? Always wonderful to have a daughter visit.

  3. have fun! always nice to have a project going with a daughter, just makes it kind of fun I think

  4. You must be so happy having your daughter with you for that period of time, especially since you don't get to see her as often as you'd probably like. Our oldest son lives in Atlanta, so we don't get to see them very often. They are especially missed at family gatherings.
    I really love your window blocks. The colors are amazing. It was so cool out there this morning and I am looking forward to warmer weather tomorrow. Enjoy your day.

  5. Love these blocks. Had hoped you would try an on point setting.

  6. I love the first set posted with the brown batik. It's so warm and cozy looking, especially with the hand painted fabric. You accomplish so much, it's inspiring. What do you do with all your finished quilts? You must have quite a stack!

  7. Very nice. Enjoy your daughter's friendship and company.

  8. You ALWAYS provide so much inspiration with your artwork. I am going to have to purchase this book, and play along! These blocks sing to me! Hope you are feeling better with each passing day!


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