
Saturday, September 30, 2017

September recap...........

There were no complete finishes in September.  Because of the restrictions on my left arm after pacemaker surgery there wasn't a chance I would do any machine quilting.  

I made this little baby quilt top in September with a box full of 3" flannel tumbler shapes.
I'm not sure if this tablerunner top is finished or whether it will get a border but it is the only other thing I assembled in the month.

I did finish sewing all of the Australian fabric Hunter Star blocks and now that I can move that arm more I will be going to the design wall with the blocks.  

There are still restrictions on the left arm for cyclic motions like vacuuming and window washing for the next 60 days.  Machine quilting whether on the longarm or regular machine would need a lot of action with the left arm so maybe a small project or 2 may get finished next month but nothing large that would take hours of action.  I am so happy I pushed to get a lot of finishing done in the first 7 months of the year.


  1. it is hard to force yourself to not do all you want to isn't it - both worth it in the end as you know

  2. I love the runner with or without a border. The colors are happy and we all need that right now:) You have so very good and patient about following the orders, and I do know how hard those restrictions can be. But in the next couple of months all the delay will pay off for you. So glad for your improvement.

  3. I think the success of your pacemaker is a giant finish for September!

  4. I have to agree with Vicki that having your pacemaker installed is a giant finish for the month. Surgery is rough and you've come through it like a trooper!

  5. On the other hand you stitched up incisions, etc, as part of your recovery process, so that should be counted as a big win.


  6. Without the pacemaker, there would not have been one stitch sewn. No vacuuming or window washing? I say hooray. I am sure your brain has been cooking up a lot of designs and combinations.

  7. I love your table runner. There's something so "moving" in the background squares. Keep following doctor's orders - I love to see what you're sewing, whether finished or not!

  8. If you want to quilt something small - why not just walking foot it? No wear and tear on your arms - let the machine do the work for you.

    As for vacuuming and washing windows - that list of chores can wait. ;) It won't be long before you are able to do that.

    I like the previous comments saying your pacemaker was the big finish - that's so right! Very pleased your recovery is very quick - just be careful not to overdo it - and it sounds like you are doing the right thing anyway. Kind regards

  9. I adore the tumbler topper. I will be excited when you can finish it!

  10. I think you have done really well considering what you have been thru in September. I can see you spending time finishing up small projects, knitting, and sorting to get set up for some new projects.


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