
Thursday, June 29, 2017

The chosen one.........

After looking through the quilt tops for about a half hour I decided on finishing this one.  Click here for the post where the whole view is shown.  If you noticed the date on that post this top has been waiting for about 2 1/2 years to be quilted.  I got the batting cut and the seam sewn in the backing.  I hope to load it and quilt it this morning.
Yesterday was dark and dreary in the morning as thunderstorms rolled through.  In the afternoon it was partly sunny, partly stormy.  This is the view from one of my kitchen windows. This view is to the left of the path to the bird feeders.  If you click on it to enlarge it you will see things blooming.  The tall plants in the center are orange Tiger Lilies which haven't bloomed yet.  The Rudbeckia is all budded out but hasn't bloomed yet either.
Here is a closer view of the section I have been working on.  I dug up the little Hosta that was between the Coreopsis and the Shasta Daisy and it is now planted to the right of the Daisy.  You can just barely see tips of it.  This shot taken from the kitchen window has a bush in the foreground.  I planted a red Coneflower on the right.  The last time I bought a red one it bloomed white the next year.  I hope this one stays red.
This is the view to the right of the path to the bird feeders.  The 15 peony bushes are in this section.


  1. Your beds really look nice. I use to have lots of flowers and my husband didn't like the look. So they are to manicured for me, but I don't argue. More rain coming today again. Chris

  2. Yes, I like the next one up. Your TAW are always a treat.
    What a delightful back garden. Exactly what I enjoy seeing.

  3. Your vast outpouring of finished works is always an inspiration. But I must confess that I feel my greatest affection for you when you share your UNFINISHED pieces!!!! I can tell myself "See, even Wanda has UFO's" This one is lovely.....

  4. I love those Australian fabrics in that quilt top. It is a real beauty! You yard looks wonderful and I love the pop of color with the Shasta Daisy and coneflower. I have a Pow-wow conflower I bought last year on the mark down rack and three that I bought this year. A Pow-wow coneflower is a mix of pink and white. The one from last year has more fuchsia colored flowers with the white and the new ones are more dark pink with white. Funny - they are all suppose to be the same. I am just happy they are alive! I need that area of my bed to fill in. I am tired of looking at dirt.

  5. a very nice garden - the view from your window is great

  6. Oh yes, I visited your post with the full on photo of this one. Just lovely. Your gardens look fresh and inviting. Can almost hear the birds chirping.

  7. Wanda, love the quilt top, Aboriginal prints are SO intricate and appeal to me on many levels. Your gardens look great! You need to pop over here and work your magic. :) I'm thinking of getting some fill-ins going in our gardens south of our deck. Need to split some of the hostas. Had not heard of a coneflower (Rudbekia?) that was red...going to have to get a few of those. DH loves red...his zinnia bed is doing really well, how is yours doing? Never enough hours in the day....

  8. OMG Wanda - I clicked on the original post and that beauty is amazing! Too bad I can't Pin it (you don't have the hover capability enabled.)

  9. Wow, is all I can think of to say about your quilt. It jumps out at you. Your garden looks like a good place to relax and read.

  10. The garden areas are so lush and green -- your hard work is paying off!

  11. Fantastic quilt top with great fabrics. I was wondering what they were but from reading the comments, I see they are Australian. Love your garden, it's very peaceful.

  12. I'm not surprised you chose this one. It has the most beautiful colours. I particularly like the darker circle towards the middle. It looks positively magical... :)

  13. Your garden is blooming! I wish mine was looking as good as this, lush and green and look at the peonies!!

  14. Such a beautiful top - can't wait to see it become a quilt!

  15. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netJune 30, 2017 at 4:22 PM

    I have been wanting to make a quilt using Australian fabric. The colors and designs are so great.

  16. What colors are you peonies? We have a hard time getting them in Alabama? I only have a white one.

  17. What color are your peonies. I have a hard time finding them in Alabama. I only have a white one.
    Thank you, Chris


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