
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

31..........which one?.........

I have 31 quilt tops hanging on this rack.  The last 2 tops I finished aren't here yet, so 33 to choose from.  I'm still waiting for one to jump out and say "finish me next".  It isn't for lack of backings or batting that I haven't finished them.  I will probably take the easy way out and choose one that will take the least quilting and a machine finished binding.

The weather has been so gorgeous, low humidity and in the 70s for several days.  I got some more weed pulling and planting done yesterday afternoon.  Now storms are coming off and on over 2 days so I should be able to get something quilted.


  1. Oh my. I would so enjoy browsing through your quilt tops! I am sure they are all gorgeous treasures! You are such a master of color and design! I sure hope that your loved ones have some kind of suggestion from you as to what to do with these if something should happen to you before you get everything finished.
    I always enjoy hearing how you balance your time between sewing, cutting/prep work, gardening, cooking, visiting, etc. it's a treat for me to read your blog! I know it's a lot of work to post daily....just want you to know I appreciate it!

  2. Oh what about that pretty Round the World one ? 😁

  3. better you then me LOL - that would drive me nuts to have so many tops waiting to be finished - I have 3 waiting for me right now and that will take awhile because I want to hand quilt them all

  4. I see 2 with top, backing and batting hanging... I think one of those. NO extra work... just load and go! Weather here has been glorious too, but too busy to do much other than notice!!!

  5. I went through my quilt tops recently and although many of mine are not made by me but bought through ebay, thrift stores and flea markets, I've decided to sell them. I bought many of them because I felt sorry for them and now I have realized how much time it will take to quilt them and then what do I do with them ? My family have enough quilts and so do I. I understand why you have so many quilt tops, it's actually more fun just to create. And all your loyal fans love your creations.

  6. In keeping with my "I want to be like Wanda when I grow up" goal, I now have 13-14 tops waiting to be quilted. And I agree that it is fun to stand and look at them and wonder which one wants to be done first (or needs to be done for gifting). We've had a couple of nice to be outdoors days - a pleasant break from the sticky humidity.

  7. I have a bunch waiting too. I love to piece,not in love with the quilting part.

  8. What a lovely selection! I'm partial to the one on the left, white hanger, about 8th over, dark fabrics and the dark one on the blue hanger. Don't know how you'll pick, but we all look forward to seeing it!

  9. I have the same rack with hangers and tops. Not 31, but at least 15. It is not that I don't like the quilting, I just keep piecing.

  10. Hmm... Luck of the draw?? That way none of the quilts will feel badly that you chose one of the other ones to complete. :o))

  11. That is a lot of tops! I thought my UFO list was long, but yours beats mine so you win!

  12. How about picking 5 of your favourites, share photo's and let us have a little vote? One way to help you decide :)

  13. Wow - I would love to be able to look through that gorgeous collection of tops hanging, waiting to be quilted! The purple one that's third from the right-hand side in the picture immediately stood out to me. What a great idea - storing them on hangers. I've got to do that with my tops that are waiting to be quilted as I know I'll have to repress them even though they're folded carefully and don't have much weight on top of them.

  14. Wow...33! I think I would go for smallest or simplist and get it done. That in itself would be very rewarding and make you want to do the next one up the list. Before you know it, they will ALL be done. I don't think I could handle having that many ready to be quilted. Good luck!

  15. Can't wait to see which one you pick and why - my vote will always be PURPLE!

  16. You need to draw a ballot, so numbers on pieces of paper, into a pot, rattle around, and pull one out, and start counting from one end till you reach the chosen number!!! So many, if the backing is ready, and batting cut, go for that one.

  17. I'd do the biggest one first, to use up some batting, but I am space limited.

  18. I like the idea of us voting for you, as Leslie suggested. How about it - letting your loyal readers choose for you?

  19. I thought I was going overboard with four quilt tops done and not quilted!

  20. I'm sure you will find the perfect one to finish.

  21. do not feel so bad now as I only have 7 for quilting and blocks made that will make another 3

  22. Give them each a number and then do a random draw. It would be fun to see what is picked and you would get one done.


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