
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Busy, busy day............

My surprise June Amaryllis turned out to be a red one.  There are 2 huge blooms and maybe another small bud.  The stalk is about 24" tall and is leaning over so I had to hold it up to take the photo.

Yesterday morning I did some more sewing on the tote bags for the church service project, then went to sewing circle at church.  When I came home I mowed the lawn and then dug up a Hosta which was 3 little plants now.  I found places to plant the 3 little sections.  I noticed Japanese Beetles on a Coral Bell leaf so I got my container of soapy water and dumped about 15 of the beetles into it.  When I came inside I did some cutting for a friend.  I feel like it has been a long time since I sewed but actually I just finished the Friendship Star quilt top on Friday last week.  Now as the end of the month is almost here I think I need to finish something.


  1. I noticed the beetles yesterday here. We apply a granuale to the yard and flower beds to prevent them from liking it here. I have never tried the bulbs for the Amarylis. I might have to look for them. A little sewing here and there adds up. Glad you were able to get out in your yard. I think the heat will be back soon.

  2. Those beetles are vile and eat way to many plants. With your collection of tops there should be one begging for a finish:)

  3. That is one gorgeous amaryllis.

  4. That bloom is the most beautiful red ever.

  5. A red hot flower for the 4th of July!

  6. Beautiful flower! Yes, it is necessary to get some of outside work done while the weather is nice and cool. Thanks for mentioning the beetles. I hadn't notice them, but now I will keep on the look out just in case.

  7. I am the owner of a confused Amaryllis. It didn't bloom in December, in fact the greenery died back. Then it started to grow again around the first of the year, so I've just left it alone and hope it will do its thing come holiday season.

  8. good to see the amaryllis in flower. Fortunately I do not seem to get beetles in my garden plenty of snails though


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