
Thursday, June 1, 2017

May 2017 monthly recap..........

I had just one finish in May.  Last year in May I had no finishes but this was a top that was completed in May 2016; one year from completed top to completed quilt.  It is 38.5" x 52.5".

 I finished two quilt tops in May.  The purple one is 62" x 88.5" and the chevron top is 36" x 45.5".  

The month was filled with lots of gardening and other outside work.  I also made many trips to the post office and mailed out about 40 batik colorwash kits.  I worked on the blocks for my triangle star quilt for which I still haven't chosen a sashing fabric. 

Last year I didn't have any finishes in June, July or August so I'll try to do better than that this year.  I did finish some tops in those months which I hope to also do this year.


  1. Funny how time can get away from us.... and when compared year to year.... sometimes.... time management is almost impossible. I have been struggling with this too and trying to meet my goals.... I have missed the mark in several categories lately. But they are personal goals, so the markers can move as desired or needed!!!

  2. I have been far less productive this May. I think March was my big finish month as I was getting ready for the gallery show.

  3. Happy to see all of those finishes! It is so good to see them when you have shared the process of making them. I have had long arm tension woes, so my pile of tops is not dented. Hope to see the dealer at a big show over the weekend and get my tension woes settled.

  4. The color wash quilt is gorgeous! May has been a busy month for you between the gardening and getting some sewing done. For May I got the R.E.M. top mostly machine quilted, but no finishes. Like you I spend quite a bit of time in the yard. Working for my nephew's band will be starting this Saturday so that will take me away from the machine, but I have all the hand work on the R.E.M. quilt so that will be coming with me as I sit at the merchandise booth waiting for customers.

  5. You're good to keep track of your months. I just love your colorwashes.

  6. Great finishes. Love the purple. So much movement. Thank you for sharing your methods.

  7. The colorwash quilt is really stunning!! Looks like you had a very productive month not only with quilting but also with your lovely garden.

  8. I think this is my favorite of all your colorwashes, and that's saying something! It is just beautiful. Your color mastery continually amazes me. I strive to approach even in the distance! Thank you for sharing all the wonderful things you do. <3

  9. Perhaps you had only one finish but it's a beauty!

  10. I loved the Purple Quilt so much that I immediately ordered the book & accompanied Creative Grids ruler, now to just find the time to start learning how to use the ruler and make the quilt! Thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction.
    Jeri aka

  11. Hi Wanda,
    What does a color wash kit consist of? How big a quilt does it make and how much does it cost? I am tempted. :)


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