
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A little green...........

I'm still working on the hand sewing of the binding on my colorwash and will show it tomorrow when I do the monthly recap.

I had an eye appointment in Chicago yesterday morning, everything is stable and no need for an injection.  In the afternoon while my eyes were still dilated I planted some Dianthus in the back garden in an area where I hope it reproduces year after year.  On the way in I realized I hadn't taken a photo of my tomato plants for 2 weeks.  We had such a cool rainy spell for a whole week after I planted them and they didn't grow much.  Now in just 3 or 4 sunny days they have shot up several inches.  I gave them a dose of Miracle-Gro so I hope they shoot up more by next week.


  1. Glad your report was good with no injection needed....relief! a little sun does a lot for tomatoes:)

  2. That is good news about your eyes, Wanda. So worth it to be traveling to a really good specialist.

  3. I am so happy to hear that your eyes were stable so that no injection was needed. (I really dislike the dilation as it interferes with my afternoon plans every time.)

  4. Thanks for sharing the good news about your eyes! My tomato plants are starting to produce. Nothing tastes as good as home grown, vine ripened tomatoes.

  5. Great news about your eyes! One less worry. Hope we get more sun so things will dry out.

  6. glad to hear the eye is stable! that is always good news. I need to add some fertilizer to my plants next week

  7. Good news about your eyes. We need the sun to dry everything out. Have a great day.

  8. Your tomatoes look great, they did grow a great deal. Happy about your eye news, it's wonderful that they are stable now. When you wrote about monthly recap, I wondered where in the world May went, it came so fast and is almost gone.

  9. I am happy to hear you eye is doing fine. We have now had sunshine two days in a row! The grass is growing like crazy.

  10. That's good news about your eye! We are still waiting for some sunny days in a row. Today looks like a repeat of yesterday with cloudy skies and rain.

  11. Yay for a good report! Always happy to hear good news. We are getting tomatoes finally. The worms got the first few. ;(

  12. So happy to hear your eye is stable. You have been so busy lately...energizer bunny busy!

  13. So glad to hear the eye exam went well. It must be such a relief when you get that news. The tomatoes are lookin' great!

  14. Glad you had a good report from the eye doc!! Lots of quilters are having eye issues right now. Your plants look great. I LOVE Miracle Grow, which in my opinion is so appropriately named!
    xx, Carol


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