
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Partially done........

I think my binding choice is working well.  I have almost 2 sides of the hand stitching done.

It was another beautiful day yesterday, hot but a nice breeze and low humidity.  I planted my zinnia seeds and mowed the grass as well as pulling more weeds.  After all of those rainy days we had I feel like I have to take advantage of every dry day and get out and get yard work done.  Now it can rain again and water the zinnia bed and tomato plants for me.


  1. I have spent a lot of time outside too on nice days. Earlier this spring we planted 6 trees, (seedlings) and all but one is showing leaves. Also planted 2 hydrangeas, both are showing signs of blooms. Down here we need to mow every week, and some weeks it looks shaggy after just a few days! Then the heat sets in..... The binding looks good!

  2. The binding looks fantastic on the quilt. I love all the colors. I bought a ton of plants yesterday, now to get them into the pots! I was very happy with the selection I found. I traveled to nurseries that are family run and who grow their own plants.

  3. I must get the grass cut today - it grew so much from the rain last week and then Saturday also. The binding looks great on that quilt the color is perfect for it

  4. It would be so nice to get some free water from the skies. I'll bet the weeds pull easier too.

  5. The binding fabric was a good match. It's going to be grass cutting day here too, but tomorrow. It rained again yesterday at dinner time so everything is soaked. Hopefully the sun will dry it out soon.

  6. The binding looks wonderful. That quilt is so beautiful! The humidity is just awful. I think that bothers me more than the heat.

  7. I agree that you've made a great choice on the binding. We're just now beginning to get some sunshine here in the Pacific Northwest, so please feel free to keep the rain for a little while.

  8. That binding looks fabulous. i love the little bursts of colour in that batik.

  9. Perfect binding Wanda, and you accomplished a lot in your yard and gardens.

    Your weather is like ours.... A few 80 and 90 degree days, then cool and rain in the 40's and 50's.... Very odd spring.


  10. such a colouful quilt and the binding works so well.

  11. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netMay 31, 2017 at 11:35 AM

    Wish I could take a class from you.!


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