
Friday, June 2, 2017

Choosing a sashing fabric........

I tried 2 batik fabrics for the sashing on the triangle star quilt.  The on the left is cream with gray and some beige and has more of a cool look.  The one on the right is a warm beige print on white.  I think I'm leaning more toward the warm look right now.  I'll keep looking through my batiks and see if I find anything else that will work.

We had another wonderful warm low humidity day yesterday.  The weekend is supposed to be mid to upper 80s and humid so I need to finish up some outside work today.  I pulled lots of weeds yesterday.  I plan on staying inside when the humidity rolls in and do some cleaning and sewing.  The tomato plants should really grow now.


  1. I love these blocks. Whatever sashing you choose, they will look great.

  2. Both of those sashing fabrics look good, I think I'd really have to look at them for awhile to see which is best. Nice weather here too.

  3. Love these stars--liking the light dashing. It seems to show off the stars better. The color on the right is murkier--but you may want that effect.

  4. I am sure that whichever you choose, it will look fantastic. But, personally, I am partial to the warmer sashing. --Andrea

  5. Lovely blocks! Both fabrics are wonderful!

  6. both work well but personally I like the first one best whichever you choose it will make one fantastic quilt

  7. Hi, just started reading your blog. I love these blocks and the fabrics. I prefer the cooler sashing for the same reason as Melinda, but as you seem to have placed the coolest blocks on the cool sashing and the warmest blocks on the warm sashing, perhaps we are not really seeing what the overall effect might be? I'm sure whatever you choose will be amazing.

  8. Hi, just found your blog and really enjoying it. I'm usually a cool rather than a warm person but I like the warmer sashing for this one. Thanks for a great blog from an Aussie quilter.


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