
Friday, February 3, 2017

Quilting and nature.........

I got the roll of batting out and cut the piece for this X quilt.  I quilted and trimmed it and now just need to cut binding.  I think I will use more of the border fabric for that.

I did the straight line quilting again with So Fine thread in a taupe color on top.

My second orange cactus has one bloom.  There are 7 more buds so I'm hopeful I'll have more blooms soon.

This pink one has bloomed already this winter and had just one bud the second time around.

I was so happy I had my camera in the kitchen so I could snap a photo of this guy.  He has been eating at this feeder quite often but I never had the camera close by earlier.


  1. Lovely bright fabrics in your quilt and they go perfectly with your cactus blooms. Sure love my birds too, that woodpecker is gorgeous, a very good picture.

  2. Another finish in the near future..... house flowers too, my cactus has a bud as well, again, but the weather here has been so up and down. This week winter next week spring with thunderstorms and then it looks like winter again.... we have enjoyed a flicker and some downys all winter, along with several pairs of purple finches and goldfinches... even saw a couple of grackles on the ground recently too.

  3. Love the X quilt and the backing. Nice bright colors. You made me go and look at my cactus and see if there are any buds- just a few. I finished binding on a quilt yesterday, hope to load another today. Working on my Valentine cards also.

  4. That is a nice picture of the woodpecker. If my birding memory is working, that is a red-bellied woodpecker. I love it when we have woodpeckers at the feeders.

  5. Wow! Almost another finish! I really like that X quilt. The cactus flowers are so pretty. When it gets in the 40's I see a lot more birds out and about especially bluejays and cardinals. It is nice to see the color with everything so drab right now.

  6. Congrats! on another quilted quilt. I haven't done that type of straight line quilting. Wondering how you determine what quilt style that works well with?

  7. What a wonderfully colorful quilt, and such a simple design. Great fabric choices Wanda.

  8. Your orange cactus is the perfect beauty to have beside the X block above. Lovely vibrant colours.

  9. Your photography is especially beautiful today! I believe that is a red breasted woodpecker, isn't it? We see them sometimes here.

  10. Lots of great color in this post . . . cactus, quilts, and birds! What kind of bird is this, do you know? Also, do you mind me asking some questions about your batting?

  11. That X quilt looks like fun. Did you get the new clamps? How are they working?

    The cacti are so pretty and I love the Flicker.


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