
Saturday, February 4, 2017

More red blocks.......

Yesterday morning I made 5 more red crazy pieced blocks.  For the NO REPLY person (Anne) who asked, no I don't use a base, I just piece scraps together and press well and trim to the size blocks I want.

Last night I made five more.

This is all that is left of the mess I showed a couple days ago.  The 2 bags contain the remainder of the red and pink scraps.  The piles at the right were more orange and purple than red so they got pulled and will go into their respective bags of scraps.
I put all of the blocks up on a design wall.  I don't know if they will all be used together at this point.  I will work on binding today on the X quilt and will think about this group. 

56 years ago today around 2 in the afternoon I gave birth to my first child.  Now he is a grandpa to two boys and I am a great-grandma.  


  1. Love your blocks. They are so neat looking. I like the single color idea. I make mine with multi-colors. Time flies by with our children growing uo. My son will be 40 in a few days. Seems like yesterday. Enjoy your day. Chris

  2. My oldest turned 50 ten days ago. His sons say they don't want marriage or children. I concentrate on quilts instead and this new of yours is very different, I love your fabric colors.

  3. Congratulations on the anniversary of another of your creative gifts...tee hee!!!!!

  4. You amaze me Wanda. Wish I had you energy. Kudos to you.
    Children and grand children and ggrand children are the sweetness in this world. I enjoy following you blog.

  5. These are really tempting me to make monochrome crazy blocks. I love the photo with the blues and purples.

  6. I love your scrappy blocks they look so good the way you put them together - the happiest day to your son - memories of when they were tiny always takes us back so many years - my oldest has her birthday in three weeks and I always remember giving birth at midnight!

  7. Happy Birthday to your son. Milestones. Congratulations on being a mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Love you blocks.

  8. Isn't it just amazing how time flies when we look back ?!?!?! The blocks on your wall are still some of my favorites of the work you do -- they were what called to me when I first discovered your blog. Happy to see you working on more of them!

  9. What a great reason to celebrate, and now with his own family as well, Lovely reds.

  10. such vibrant reds! The years go by so quickly, the older we become the quicker time passes. Our eldest son will be. 48 later in the year, can't quite believe it. Happy birthday to your son. Hope he enjoys a great day.

  11. Gorgeous! I'm loving all of those reds together.

  12. Happy birthing day. I love your scrappy quilt. It looks so fun. I would love to do that with my abundant scraps. I just was in touch with a wonderful woman who sews dolls for kids with differences. A doll like me or She's interested in getting small doll blankets to go with her doll donations. It's an unbelievable charity that makes such a difference in the lives of children. These kids have no other dolls that look like them and the impact is huge on their self-esteem. I am mentioning this because if you do have extra blocks, she would gladly take them as a tiny quilt (16" x 25"). I just made one from extra blocks that I had from a string quilt. Just an idea if you are in the mood for a quick finish and a feel good project!!

  13. Thanks for answering my question about foundations.

    I just love these and want to give them a try.


  14. Love your red blocks - and, I think they look a lot better by themselves, than they do surrounded by blue! Why not make an all red quilt? I'm sure you can find enough red fabrics in your stash, even if you have to cut some strips, to make enough red blocks for a whole quilt without having to use any of the blue or purple blocks.
    Just my suggestion, of course. And you can always find some other use for the blue blocks in an other quilt or some other project.

  15. Congratulations on all your generations! We never forget what hour they were born :)
    Love these red, scrappy blocks!!

  16. Oh, I remember the day my first was born!! I think about all the things going on in the world at that time & how scary it was to become a mom!! It is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Love my son & his son to pieces!!


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