
Thursday, August 4, 2016

Another layout...............

When I looked at my 2 photos (yesterday's post) I thought maybe a zig zag border would be a good idea.  Gene came up with the same idea in his comment yesterday.  I got all of the rest of the blocks pressed and this is now half of the blocks so you will have to imagine the bottom half as mirror image of the top.  I haven't put the colors anywhere specific, just random plopping them up on the design wall.  Since I have 4 alike of each I could group them together in the design.  There will be lots more play on this one yet.
In my main floor studio which is just off the kitchen I got a little sewing done between other things.  These are all 3.5" finished units.  I still have 30 more to sew.  I haven't started the 7" ones yet.  There is a new book by C&T coming out with some variations of the Drunkard's Path.  Maybe I should not put it together until I get that book and see if there are some ideas that would work with a scrappy assortment of blocks.


  1. Ooh. The zigzag border works as well as I imagined. Once you do your "color placing" magic with it, it will be truly stunning.

  2. I love this quilt and layout! It really sings.

  3. Yesterday I think I was the only one who loved the zigzag design so I am doubly happy today to see it combined with #2 which everyone liked best. This quilt top is going to be fantastic, and you have not even tweaked it in the 'Wanda' style yet.

  4. Love this layout.... I may be copying it with Kaffe HST that I am making...

  5. This quilt design is wonderful-love how you've combined both designs! Can't wait to watch your progress.

    Thanks for the book recommendations; I hadn't heard of any of these authors mentioned and will check into them at my local library.

  6. I love this layout.....Amazing!!
    Sandra B

  7. I'm just loving watching these come together!!!

  8. That reminds me of a quilt I made ages ago in a Judy Hooworth class. I still love that quilt and love yours too!

  9. I do like the zig zag border. You are having fun playing with those blocks. I love seeing the variety of layouts.

  10. Fabulous layout! Can't wait to see what you do with the colors.

  11. I think your design here is a winner!! I began, but never finished, a Drunkard's Path but I think the reason was that I had bought the small size die for my Accuquilt instead of the larger size. Just had a peek at the new book to be released, looks very interesting.

  12. I am amazed at how quickly you put a quilt together, and I absolutely love your color choices and fabrics, especially the Marcia Derse line. I might have to search for some of her fabric!


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