
Friday, June 17, 2016

10 more blocks, 18 so far....................

It was a beautiful day yesterday in the 70s with low humidity.  It was a good day to plant things and cut volunteer trees.  I planted the Dahlia bulbs in pots.  They are the strangest looking things and I hope I have them planted the right way.

I managed to get 10 more blocks sewn and put all 18 up on the design wall.  
Then I laid out 8 more blocks to sew today.  I need to cut some more of the skinny arc before I make any more blocks.


  1. I like the look of this one. Vera.

  2. These are fun! I like this quilt better than the Trip-Around-the-World quilt you made with these fabrics. I think it's because the larger pieces showcase the individual fabrics to better advantage.


  3. Your mention of the dahlia bulbs piqued my curiosity. So I wanted to see what they look like. In the process I found this drawing

    The quilt blocks are looking good!

  4. Love the way the fabrics play together and the variety of sizes.

  5. Good Morning Wanda.....I'm really loving this quilt and must say, that before meeting you and subscribing to your blog, I would never have said that. You have changed the way I perceive things, as far as fabric choices are concerned, and that's a good thing. You can teach an old dog new tricks!

  6. I'm always amazed at your art quilts, so beautiful.

  7. I don't really use commercial fabrics any more (except in the symmetry quilts) but I'd use those. I love them!

  8. Love the way this is coming along. It is going to be a riot of color!

  9. This one is gorgeous so far! Love it.

    It sounds like it was a perfect day for working in the yard. Yes, dahlia bulbs are very strange looking things.

  10. These blocks are awesome!! Love the arcs a lot....and your fabric choices are great....cannot wait to see how many more of the blocks you make....following along on your quilt projects has given me more confidence in using brighter colors. In the past, I have used lighter colors and more muted tones, but I am seeing more of the brighter fabrics making their way into my shopping basket when I visit my local quilt shops, influenced by looking at your projects, I am sure!
    Thanks for all the inspiration!
    Sandra B

  11. Wow, Wanda! These blocks are even prettier than I thought they'd be! I really like them.

  12. Looks great! Love how the colors are playing together.

  13. Well, I have learned something new today! I didn't know what 'volunteer' trees were, never heard the term. I had to look it up. That is a perfect name for all those little pine trees and oak trees that sprout all over the place. (I find little oak trees coming up in my window boxes!)

    Love your blocks! The fabrics play so nicely together. The blocks are a pleasure to look at. Any chance this will become a bed quilt or maybe at least throw size? I guess typically this style might be a wall/art quilt, but I was thinking the fabrics look so comfortable together (but unexpected), that it would be neat to have the quilt thrown over a bannister ready to take down and used to keep off the chill.


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