
Saturday, June 18, 2016

15 more blocks, 33 total..................

It was another beautiful day to work outside yesterday.  I did more planting and weed control.

Last night I sewed 15 more blocks.  I was pretty tired when I finished them so I just plopped them up on the design wall in no particular order.  I'm ready to move them to a double design wall and get serious this weekend.  The humidity is supposed to creep back in to go along with the 90+ degree days.  That means staying inside and sewing for me. 

This group of fabrics is all by one designer, Keiko Goke, over several years.  Her designs look like they were drawn with chalk or crayons.  I like it when a designer stays with colors that work well together from year to year because it takes several years to have enough variety for an interesting quilt.  I'm sure some of you are thinking 3 to 5 different fabrics is enough variety to make a quilt but I'm always thinking 25 to 100 different fabrics (or more) in a quilt.  


  1. Oh I do love that way your gorgeous blocks are coming together...
    Enjoy staying in the cool and sewing.....

  2. These are such interesting fabrics. I chuckle every time you mention the designer because my mind's eye first sees "Gecko" before it comes into focus. When you shop for fabrics like these, how much do you buy? Is a FQ or half yard enough to satisfy your craving?

  3. Love, love, love these blocks. My question is same as Libby's, how much do you buy?

  4. I love lots of variety in fabrics too and this one is wonderful.

  5. You do need a lot of choices to make a stunning quilt. I have to get more in the mindset of collecting for future quilts that don't know yet. I know from the scrap quilts, the more fabrics, the more cohesive it looks. It is amazing how it looks now. And again, how much do you buy of a fabric?

  6. I love variety and you do make the best looking quilts with all your fabrics. This quilt is going to be another beauty.

  7. I love how this one is coming along. That is an amazing line of fabrics. I too would be interested in how much you by of a fabric. With this did you collect the entire line?

  8. Love that you are using these fabrics. I remember seeing them at your place. Are you going to keep it or sell it? Candy

  9. My tastes have been going more toward scrappy quilts over the last few years. Quilts using 3-4 fabrics are nice, but now when I look through my inspiration clippings, they don't usually make my eyes jump with happiness. I'm still not quite sure of some of the *totally* wackadoo wonky cut quilts, but they are also growing on me.

  10. Like this quilt. Do you generally use one line of fabrics for a quilt? When you buy do you go with what you like or do you think that you might need more warm/cool or light/darks?

  11. You may have answered this before, before I found your blog - where do you find your fabrics?

    The places I get to don't carry lines like Keiko Goke or even Kaffe Fasset (sometimes I find a few of his at quilt shows). The locals tend toward feedsack repros, kids themed, maybe batiks and civil war repros. Don't get me wrong, I like those fabrics (and have stash to prove it!), but if I want to make a happy eye-vibrating brain-tingling modern fabrics quilt like this one, I'm out of luck shopping locally.

  12. I also like to use as many fabrics as I can in a quilt....I think using many fabrics gives us the opportunity to use fabrics that wouldn't play well together in a quilt of only a small number of fabrics....and having all those different fabrics really gives a quilt more depth, and personality....
    Sandra B

  13. The more fabrics....the better in my opinion too. That is really fabulous. How big will you make it?

  14. Just dropping in for a quick break from the humidity and heat to check blogs and just love what you are doing with this - the fabrics look great in the design

  15. Love this!!!
    Did you cut these with templates? If so, whose templates are they?

  16. I'm loving how this is turning out so far - what a great selection of fabrics you have, just from one designer - a great 'mix & match'co-ordination.

    We went across the Humber Bridge today, to visit a village fete, to meet a blogger I follow who was helping out at the cat rescue stall. I took her some gifts and some bits for the stall. From a plant stall I bought myself a Lupin and Crocosmia (Montbritia)- I thought my Crocosmia had died but when I checked tonight I saw some small leaves coming up, so all is not lost. We've had lovely weather today - hope your weekend is kind to you :)

  17. This is going to be such an interesting quilt. I've heard of this designer, but never seen her stuff in a shop.

  18. I love the mo cement in these blocks - what size are they?

  19. Wanda, your love of color and variety is exactly the reason I follow you. Every time I open an e-mail from you it's just eye candy everywhere! I've been reading your blog for a long time but just finally decided to start making quilts myself. I'm loving it! Thanks for the inspiration.

  20. This is looking great! I took a trip back to your earlier strips and curves quilts, because it surprised me that you didn't strip piece your strips but just used striped fabric. I found, of course, that earlier you did piece stripes. This is so much easier and very cool! I love it. I made one of these quilts in a class years ago, where all the fabrics - except borders - were provided, and I liked it. But it was a lot of work, and I never considered doing another. This "short-cut" makes it a lot more attractive.
    If you can't find 25-100 fabrics by the same designer, it is possible, though a lot more work, to pull fabrics from a variety of designers which will work well together.

  21. This looks great. I love to use a lot of fabrics.

  22. What I like is all the texture in the fabrics in this piece! I, too, am wondering if there are acrylic templates out there that you are using for this quilt.

  23. Back again.....I looked back in your blog to discover that you are using the Strips 'n Curves Acrylic Template Set II for this quilt so my question is answered! You are very thorough in talking about your quilts and I thank you for that!

  24. I love how you are combining Keiko's prints. I have a good size collection of them but haven't had the nerve to use them yet.

  25. I adore these fabrics. I can see why you keep looking for more of them. They are so vibrant. I like your block design. too.


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