
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Auditioning layouts............

I have 42 blocks bordered and have another 10 ready to cut.  I decided I needed to try some layouts and decide if this is going to be a wallhanging or a couch quilt.  This would be the layout for a wallhanging.

In this staggered layout there would be a strip of the same fabrics that I am using for borders between the blocks.  It is a little hard to visualize that so I may need to cut some pieces and put them on the wall.  This would be the layout if it is going to be a couch quilt.

It got up to 70 degrees yesterday so I went out to the back yard and dug up the rocks that border my flower bed and the path around the tree.  I started this last fall and decided I needed to get the rest done before the plants start coming up.  I did more on the other side of the path after I took this photo.  The rocks have been sinking in the 15 years they have been there and some were totally buried.


  1. We had the same weather in Virginia yesterday. My garden muscles are a little stiff this morning from the hours I spent cleaning up garden beds. It was lovely though--daffodil buds are swollen and showing color, but only the crocus have bloomed so far.

  2. We are going through a rainy week here which is keeping the temps from going above 70, so far we have missed the worse of the heavy rain but still have accumulated 1.75 inches with more to come today and the rest of the week - oh well, I have no where to go this week so I guess it picked a good week, the trees are flowering, Bulls blooming - everything is looking pretty. I like either version of the quilt

  3. You certainly got your exercise in yesterday! It would be interesting to see how the staggered layout looks with some of the filler strips in place.

  4. Love the layouts, I am watching with great interest as I have lots of crumb blocks. I had yellow crocuses yesterday!

  5. I love the layout with the straight rows and columns. thoroughly modern and still scraptastically colorful

  6. I'm loving the staggered layout! This warmer weather is reminding me to get outside also.

  7. The staggered layout gives me a sense of movement more than the other, but the filler fabric will be important.

  8. The addition of some color in the strips for the staggered layout might give some contrast to show off the blocks rather than them blending together in the first layout. It will be fun to see what you pick!

  9. I like both layouts, so I will wait to see what you decide!
    Here in Virginia we are experiencing the warmer weather as well....they say we could get to 80 today and tomorrow! And just last Friday we had snow! Crazy weather we have been having all winter! When spring actually does get here, it will be interesting to see what blooms....some things have bloomed already, then got zapped by a couple of snowfalls, and some really cold weather. Hopefully, we will still have a pretty spring.
    Sandra B

  10. I love the staggered effect. I've been trying to keep blinders on while looking out my window, but today, chilly as it is, I must get out and trim back a few things.

  11. I'm another who likes the staggered layout, it would make a beautiful couch quilt, very light and summery.

  12. I liked what you did with your blocks in yesterdays photos, border in neutural fabrics. I like the first layout for today but the second one is stunning!!!!!!!

  13. I like layout one. It makes a strong statement. Two confuses my eye.

    You're always a quilt or three ahead of me! Trying to figure out how to finish my red/purple 16-patch. How ave you done yours?

    Mary Ann


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