
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Sewing while watching TV.......

I had 2 older Castle shows to watch and the only TV that has ON DEMAND is between my kitchen and main floor studio.  I needed to watch them before the new show came on last night so I was in the room for 3 hours.  I made the little pieced centers way back in 2010 and have been trying to decide what to do with them.  I'm not sure what the next step is but I decided to border them with 2.5" strips of neutral color batiks as a first step.  There are some older posts where I tried some other and here.
I have 48 more to sew but I need to cut some more neutral 2.5" strips first. 

I'm linking to Scraptastic Tuesday.  Be sure to check out what everyone else is doing with their scraps.


  1. I love the way your neutrals give the eye a place to rest and there's a nice respectable pile of them mounting up, too. Nice work!

  2. I have a whole bunch of pieced made fabric centers also. What size are yours? Love the neutral batiks. I don't think I have any. Love the way the blocks look now. Wonder how they are going together.

  3. That is a great use of what I assume were leftover small pieces of batik. I far prefer to use the small pieces rather than to throw them away.

  4. Making those tiny scrap blocks is one of my favourite things to sew and it looks like you are off to a good start in how to use them.

  5. You have a fantastic collection of neutrals! It will be fun to see what you do with this blocks.

  6. Those are tiny pieces. As Gene said, a great way to use up scraps.

  7. I had forgotten about these little blocks. Thanks for reminding me of another way I can use up those itty bitty little scraps.

  8. I always like the way this type of block looks - a good way to finish off those little squares

  9. I really like the neutrals around the little scrappy squares. it's a clean "modern" look. ... but I do wish I had your stash of neutrals!

  10. Love these colourful little centres - just a nice size.

  11. Cuteness! It will be interesting to see where these go next.

  12. Love them and think you are moving in a great direction! Hope you keep going. Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday!

  13. The neutrals make your colors shine. I look forward to your next step.

  14. I, too, had forgotten about these tiny blocks. But I really like them. Surrounding them with the wide strips is inspired. And inspiring. :-)



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