
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Fill in fabrics........

My original idea for the fill in rectangles was to use the same fabrics that I had used for the borders of the blocks.  This shows the area partially filled in.  (This post is a continuation on design from yesterday in case you didn't read that one.)

I thought I might like a band of color on each edge of those rectangles and only cut 4 strips to try it out.  Red is not the right color; it probably needs to be a dark tan.  I don't think I like this now that I see it.

I tried a darker beige print for the rectangles but I didn't care for that either, especially that the fabric was all the same instead of a variety of prints.

I thought maybe a stripe would work; not sure about this one yet.

Here are all of the choices the way my design wall looks right now.  


  1. Sometimes this is how it goes, try and try again until we're happy with what we see. BTDT Like the green stripe one the best, however I think that the small strips done in red if they were a complete box around and maybe not such a bold color it would also work. But again it's just a thought! Enjoy the process.

  2. i enjoy looking at your blog every day. I think the first option looks the best, and as if it was intended all along...

  3. I saw this yesterday and liked the simplicity of the design. I thought the off set layout would be interesting but seeing these photos today sent me back to yesterday's post.
    It is probably just me, but I am preferring the lower left corner that projects calmness. The contrast in the inset pieces are just taking away from it.


  4. I like the stripe the best or none at all.

  5. It is so interesting how each little strip changes up the look. I love how you keep trying totally different ideas to come up with something that works.

  6. You have several great choices to pick from. I like the additional interest of each choice. You can't go wrong with any of the choices. Have you thought about using a combination of these? I liked that last picture best - maybe spread those choices around.

  7. I like your first option (the one in the lower left corner)the best. The stripes might work too.

  8. One more option you might consider is to use tons of bright prints that have the colors that are in the center of the blocks. Thanks for sharing all your ideas and techniques with us and your flowers and animals!

  9. With the last picture I really liked how the fill in rectangles with color set off the secondary "steps" pattern and still show off the blocks. Couldn't even see that in the smaller photos.

  10. Figuring out what fabric will work is harder than I thought it would be. I am sure you will come up with a winner!

  11. I really enjoy seeing your process. The thin red stripes got me thinking about an alternative for one of my own pieces, so thanks for the inspiration!

  12. When I saw this yesterday I thought a beige would be really nice but now that I see it not so much. I also like the low key of the bottom left as it keeps the piece calm and puts the focus on the beautiful color in the little squares.

  13. I like the stripey one but look forward to seeing what other options you come up with :)

  14. I really like thé strikes!!! :-)

  15. Maybe a single thin bright strip... like the red and other colors in the centers, sometimes on top of the spacer, sometimes on the bottom? Mix in an occasional low volume solid spacer and keep the eyes guessing. Can't wait to see your solution.

  16. Love this process post! I look forwards to seeing what you decide! I prefer the simplest option, offset with matching bands. To me, a contrasting fabric band fights for attention, when all I want to look at is the mini squares of color...

  17. I like the layout on the lower left, everything blends into the background and really shows off the pop of colour in the centre.

  18. The stripe is really growing on me!

  19. The blocks are lovely and so calming. I'd stay away from anything jarring and try to keep the calm vibe. Perhaps aqua or another distinct but plane color?

  20. That was supposed to say PALE color...

  21. I really like those little red strips!

  22. I still prefer the original grid design. I lose the effect of the delightful little crazy blocks with so much more going on. Sometimes the simplest is best. Add a rich red or maybe blue binding and a wild backing!

  23. Stick to your first thought - it's generally the best. The others, to me, take away from the blocks. Your quilt though..

  24. The stripe is a lot of fun. I think I'd go with it - I never would've thought of it, but I love the way it looks. Second choice is the neutrals, same fabrics you've already used to border your little center squares.


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