
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Finally getting something done...........

I got busy early yesterday and had the binding on the two batik table runners before lunch time.

In the afternoon I searched for a suitable border for the sides of my orange 16 patch quilt top that I made in Feb. 2012.  It was too narrow and it has taken me this long to choose side borders.  I'll probably use the same fabric for the binding so it will end up on the top and bottom edge too even though there isn't a border added there.  The fabric under the top is the backing that I chose.   I didn't have enough of anything that is all orange and I really like this fabric with it.
I haven't had many birds at my feeders the last couple weeks and this may be the reason why.  This hawk landed on a low tree and just sat there patiently.  When I moved the camera to a better position he saw me and flew away.


  1. What a beautiful Cooper's hawk. Everyone needs to eat, and he was hoping for a meal at your bird feeder. Your work is beautiful as always.

  2. I have come to love orange more than I did previously. The orange 16 patch is lovely.

  3. Our neighborhood hawk has chased off all of our birds, too - DRAT! I miss the cardinals and blue jays and even the sparrows at this point. Hawk, Hawk, Fly AWAY!!

    (Love that orange project)

  4. I remember that orange quilt, so scrumptious it's practically juicy! nice to see it again!

  5. The older I get, the brighter I like my colors. Your orange 16 patch is very juicy with color. I miss the birds at the feeder. The town outlawed feeders because of a rat problem and I miss watching my feathered friends.

  6. Those table runners are beautiful. That orange just sings! Yes, the hawks chase away the song birds, squirrels, and chipmunks. They also get rid of the pigeons which is a good thing! There are also Barr owls where I live and they are pretty fierce predators too. Oh, the racket when they catch a rabbit!

  7. Nice runners! What will you do with them?

  8. Love the backing fabric!! The hot pinks make the orange sing!

  9. Oh yes, that will explain the lack of other birds! I've had a heron visiting me a lot lately which is a really nice treat.

  10. The orange looks lovely and super backing fabric for it.

  11. I get so aggravated when I spot a hawk in my yard. I know they have a place, too, but I don't want it to be my yard. In the last house, I felt like I was providing the buffet with the feeders attracting the birds. I looked out the window once and saw the hawk on my fence plucking a little bird!! ACK!! Then I saw him another day doing the same thing in the yard! UGH! They could have the squirrels but not the little birds.

  12. I like that border and backing for the orange. Looks perfect. We have a hawk here once in a while. That's one reason we put a top on the chicken pen!


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