
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Last 2 blocks.......

I feel like I am working in slow motion on this quilt.  This is the last of the half blocks for it and I got them sewn after I took this photo. Last night I also basted another small colorwash piece.

Church sewing circle was yesterday afternoon and we made red and green felt Christmas stockings for the kids at the shelter that we help support.  

After my haircut this morning I need to cut sashing for the quilt in progress and decide on fabric for cornerstones.  It sounds like we will get rain from the remnants of hurricane Patricia.



  1. Great color combos in the blocks! We are supposed to get pounded on Wed. with rain and wind.

  2. Sometime when we want something to go fast it is like in slow motion. I think you have made good progress. As my husband says all good things take time. You will be happy with it when done. Chris

  3. there is a lot of days I feel like I am moving in slow motion - sometimes I wish I could have a super battery put in me LOL

  4. I also know what it feels like to work in slow motion on a project, but those are frequently the ones I end up liking the most. We got 4 inches here from Patricia. In our case, it was most welcome.

  5. We had rain all day yesterday and it appears that we will have it all day today also. I am just grateful that it is all we are seeing from such a violent storm.

  6. I like these a lot. Always appreciate how colorful your work is. Stay safe and dry.

  7. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare....slow and steady wins the race. You are still running circles around us.

  8. I a just catching up and even though this project seems to be going slow for you, it is a stunner! Loved the backing you put on the back of the small colorwash piece. That was the perfect use for that gorgeous fabric!

  9. Slow and steady wins the race! Your quilt is going to be wonderful! Wind and rain in the forecast for us tomorrow's going to be a good day to sew!

  10. More lovely snippets of fabrics. Is the red stripe in the RH block one of the new KF collectives?


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