
Wednesday, July 15, 2015


I only sewed 4 rows yesterday but I joined the first two sections of 6 rows with the 4 row section so there are 16 sewn, 2 rows laying over by my machine and the 5 rows at the top waiting to be sewn.

I started out the day in long pants and a long sleeve shirt, sprayed my clothes with mosquito repellant and went out to clear some of the jungle that my back garden had become.
Even though I dug up and shared a lot of coneflowers last year, I have plenty all across the back garden this year.

I only have the pink, or as they call it, Purple Coneflower.  I bought a red one and the next year it was white.  It also died a couple years later.  These are a native variety from a friend many years ago.

The blooms on this hosta are trying to be so tall.  My one gardening friend told me that everything will try to grow as tall as its tallest neighbor because that is the only way it can get the sunlight.  This plant had some tall weeds around it that I cleared out yesterday.


  1. You are making some steady progress on the quilt top. It is looking wonderful! I haven't gone out to the front to see if the coneflower seeds I plants a few weeks ago have sprouted. It had either been too humid, raining, or too late in the evening when I finally think about going outside and looking.

  2. I wish I could make head way into the flower bed areas but this week it is near 100 and here I am awake at before 7 and it is 79 outside already and stifling with the humidity. Last night at 7:30 I went out to water the garden and was dripping in sweat when I came back in and got in the shower - it had finally dropped to 90 at that time!
    Your quilt is looking wonderful I really love the color selections you have used.

  3. Your new quilt is looking great, as always. Love all your flower photos - my one hosta stayed small and didn't flower- maybe the snails got to it first :(

  4. Hi Wanda,
    Your colorwash is gorgeous, and it will look just stunning wherever the church installs it. I was also thinking, seeing your progress photos, that a horizontal colorwash would look so beautiful hanging from a wide altar, too. Hmmm...maybe there is one in my future! Thanks for sharing.

  5. This year the purple coneflower took over my garden. I didn't have anyone to give them to so I ripped the overflow out and threw them away. I was at Home Depot earlier and a small plant cost $5.98 so I guess I ripped out over a $100 worth of purple coneflower. But my garden looks great and maybe next year when they do it again, I will find somewhere or someone to give them to. I am so looking forward to seeing your huge quilt, it is beautiful.

  6. I know you showed the size comparison the other day but what size is the larger brick? That is SO BEAUTIFUL and will look gorgeous in the church!! I cannot believe how fast it's going together!!!

  7. You accomplished so much considering you started the day with all of the manual labor in the garden. It looks beautiful.

  8. Good for you spraying yourself first! I usually go outside to do something else and end up staying too long and getting bitten. Your gardens are lovely.

  9. Wow, that is a beautiful quilt. It positively glows. I lost my come flowers this year. I'll have to pick up more sometime. Your way ahead of us here.

  10. The quilt is going to be STUNNING! Your flowers seem to be the same.

  11. Quilt is amazing! Even though you're making it at breakneck speed, I hope the people who've commissioned it are still paying full price for what it's really worth - and not just for the time you're actually putting into making it. But, of course, that's not any of my beeswax!

  12. LOL. Even the flowers are trying to keep up with the neighbors! Love your colorwashes, btw!


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