
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Sewing it together............

I thought I would get more rows sewn together yesterday but I took a little break instead.  I did get 6 rows sewn, the same as I did on Sunday.  I will press them before I sew the 2 sections together.  After I took this photo I took the next 6 rows off the wall ready to sew today.

I also took a break from answering comments yesterday.  Thank you so much for your supportive comments.  I hope I will be able to get a photo of this at its destination to put on my blog some day.
The very pale pink Balloon Flowers are in bloom now along with the periwinkle.  They used to be short plants, no taller than about a foot.  They are easily 18-20" tall this year.

In the same garden the Rudbekia is starting to bloom.

Last but not least are some happy Coleus plants.  Who needs flowers when you can have such pretty leaves.


  1. This quilt will awesome in its proposed home!

  2. I missed reading blogs yesterday so I didn't see the original post until today. The thought of doing a color wash with bigger pieces was brilliant. Of course a person would have to have the stash to do it--like you do.
    It looks fantastic. I am sure it will be lovely when it is placed on that church wall.

  3. You are making great progress on this piece! The flowers and plants are lovely. I need to get out and dead head my Shasta daisies so they will continue to bloom.

  4. I remember your coleus from years past so I have started planting them also. They are so distinctive and you are right, who needs flowers when the leaf is so beautiful. Wanda, you take all the time you want to recoup, you are very productive all the time. I'm waiting for that quilt to be finished, it will be stunning.

  5. The quilt absolutely glows - like stained glass. It's just stunning!
    I love your garden pictures as they make me think of a wild English country garden. The riot of colours in your garden go together with your fabulous use of colour in quilts.

  6. Beautiful quilts and coleus! All that scrumptious color!

  7. We have some glorious Electric Lime coleus plants in our planters this year. They're full and large and lush and such an awesome color . . . will definitely look for them again next year!

  8. That quilt is absolutely incredible!!!! You are truly an artist!!!

  9. Lovely quilt and beautiful photos! :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Love the glow and richness of your quilt.

  12. Wanda, I've been sharing progress photos of your color wash banner with my pastor and thought you'd like to read his response:

    This looks amazing!!!! This is a great gift indeed!!!!! Profound, beautiful and a joy to behold!!!! This will enhance our worship and community life in a beautiful way!!!!! Thank you for your great love here!!!!!

    Wow, twenty three exclamation points! I'd say he's impressed.

    There will be many photos of your glorious banner adorning our sanctuary and I'll be certain to share them with you.

  13. I love flowers, but Coleus is a beautiful plant, too. I don't know if I'd five up flowers for them. They're like a different kind of flower.


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