
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Sewn together...........

The colorwash is sewn together and stay-stitched around the edges.  The camera wants to focus on the light area so the corners look darker in a photo than in real life.  This is the largest colorwash I have ever done and it was a challenge to design it sideways on the double design wall.  Now comes the job of basting it and ditch quilting it in the vertical seams.
My blackberry lilies are blooming.  I have them in 2 places and neither is ideal.  I don't really have a place to move them to though.

The lemon lily is also blooming.  I mowed the lawn last night at 7 when it was cooling off.  The humidity was still low yesterday but is going back up with the heat wave coming this weekend.


  1. It's an impressive colorwash. Could you take a moment here, on the blog, to explain why you are ditch quilting only the vertical seams? In a quilt so large, I'd have thought that would encourage ripples or sagging. Thanks..............

  2. Stunning quilt! Nice flowers too! I have some blackberry lilies too. They have seeded themselves all over my garden.

  3. Wow! That looks amazing - and I can't believe how quickly you've put it together! What a lucky church to get such a wonderful hanging!

  4. We are getting the same heatwave this weekend. Still working of the Creative
    Space... now painting furniture, but the fabrics are unboxed!!!

  5. Wanda, this one is really majestic! Now that I can view it right side up rather than on its side, the light center seems to shimmer across the surface. Outstanding work, and an amazing feat of colorwash.

  6. This is fabulous! Thank you for letting us watch it grow from the beginning.

  7. Truly stunning quilt. Hope we will get to see a picture of it in it's special place.

  8. Beautiful colorwash and daylilies! Since the park service eliminated a lot of deer last winter, my daylilies are not being eaten. I have a peach colored one that has loads of flowers this year.

  9. I would love to know more about why and how you do the stay stitching around the edges. I have never done that with a top.

    I am guessing that the ditch quilting is just to baste it before you quilt it?

  10. Congratulations, Wanda. Simply spectacular.

  11. Husband and I looked at the quilt and declared it Perfect, absolutely beautiful. I have never heard of Blackberry Lilies, they look just like my daylilies. I have some beautiful colors too, that lemon is great.

  12. Amazing Wanda! I think the good Lord guided your hands in creating this masterpiece, especially since it will be hanging in his house.
    Wouldn't it be nice, if when you have it ready for binding, that he would send one of his quilting angels to hand sew the binding on the back of his quilt? Oh well, one can only dream. Enjoy the day.

  13. Wanda, that colorwash is just magnificent! I can imagine people walking into the church and seeing it for the first time. The ones you make seem almost alive, as if your vision would clear and you would actually see the scenery portrayed distinctly.
    Your daylilies are so pretty, too. We have to wait until closer to eight to get out in the evening to do a bit of yard work here.

  14. That is going to look so lovely in a church!

  15. Beautiful!!! I'm sure you will take pictures when it is hanging in its final destination, can't wait to see that too!
    Your blog is my morning inspiration to gain new quilting skills each day.

    Carmil Mullaney

  16. Looks like you used most if not all batik fabrics in it. Correct? It turned out beautiful just like all the rest of your quilts!!

  17. It's beautiful! One of your most beautiful pieces of art.

  18. Hi, I always enjoy your flowers and garden pictures, thank you. I think this color wash is so beautiful. I can't imagine how much thinking it takes to cut out the fabric proberly, etc. Wonderful job.

  19. Absolutely fantastic, you continue to amaze and inspire all of us who take a few minutes to stop by your blog. Thanks for sharing so much with us!

  20. I love how this quilt top came together. Great job.


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