
Thursday, July 30, 2015


Tuesday there were no red tomatoes.  Mid morning yesterday I saw something red from my studio window and went out to check.  I found 2 red tomatoes.  Later in the afternoon I went out for a walk around the house and 3 more had started turning.  I bring them in to finish ripening so the squirrels won't just take one bite and leave them.  They are a nice medium size tomato.  Some are the Early Girl and some the Cluster tomatoes.

The cool front came through yesterday afternoon so the tropical humidity is gone.  Maybe I can mow the grass today.


  1. We have had one tomato and it was really good tasting. The first one is always he best. Cooler here, but suppose to be warmer today than yesterday, but less humidity. Chris

  2. Nothing like the taste of fresh, homegrown tomatoes!

  3. I have only had half of a fresh tomato this year. That was at a friends house. Mom's tomatoes are barely producing enough for her - and none of my friends have any I am lacking.
    Enjoy them while you can.

  4. At least you got some.....mine have withered and just sit there. Humidity is sitting on top of us....the windows are all misted this morning. enjoy those tomatoes.

  5. Oh Yum! First tomatoes of the year. One of life's little pleasures.

    Love the class quilts.....I must try one of these myself.

  6. I love home grown tomatoes. This year I chose a couple of plants that are supposed to be heat tolerant and they are continuing to set fruit.

  7. There is nothing like those fresh tomatoes. They will come fast and furious now. Enjoy them.

  8. Our Early Girls began ripening last weekend, and we have been able to keep up with them so far - lots of salads and BLTs. We also have our cherry tomatoes ripening, but they seem to get eaten before they make it in the door! Nature's candy, hehe.

  9. Aha, squirrels! I never considered them as the culprits for the bites out of my tomatoes. I thought maybe I had tomato worms, which would be worse. Now I'm checking more frequently to beat whatever-it-is to it. Love summer tomatoes. . .

  10. Nothing much is better than fresh tomatoes! I don't grow my own, but since I live out in the country, it's never hard to find any to buy (or often get for free) once they're in season! Yum!

  11. My tomatoes are coming to red, too. Now if it will stay warm and sunny on my mountain instead of cool and rainy, we might have a bumper crop!!


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