
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Prep work and nature walk..........

I had errands to run yesterday morning and then I sorted scraps to prepare for cutting while I did 2 loads of laundry.

The hydrangeas have been flopping over since the rain last week.  The blooms start out white and then turn lime green.

The cannas are getting tall.  I had forgotten how big the leaves are on them.


  1. Hydrangas are so pretty. We bought some bareroot starts and they are doing ok, but we need some sunlight at this point. Hopefully today we get some. hris

  2. I have hydrangas but they rarely bloom. I have cut off the stalks, not cut off the stalks - but still rarely get blooms. They get LOTS of sun. :(

  3. I have not had hydrangeas turn green - I wonder what is different for those? I have seen orange and was later told someone had poured a bottle of red dye on the ground by them to see if they would pick up the color and they did - weird. Mine continue to be pink, lavender, and a light blue all on one bush - the soil must have picked up some of the pine needles washing through from the rain as pine needles can change them from blue to pink

  4. My bush is not doing so well in blooming. I transported it 6 years ago and it still is not a great bloomer. It does bloom the white flowers and turns green later as yours does, I guess it's not in a great spot.

  5. Love your hydrangea in full bloom. My favorite. We have about 10 but won't see blooms for another 3-4weeks. In upstate NY. Enjoy them. Alice Alvgoreatnycapdotrrdotcom

  6. Love the colour of your hydrangeas - I'm just waiting for mine to flower, pink. Some of your tomatoes look ready to eat - I didn't buy any this year but I've always got a pot of mint that regrows every year - I use them when I boil 'new potatoes' ummm :)

  7. Love the look of those scraps!
    Your garden must be wonderful to see - so many beautiful plants!

  8. Your garden is looking so lush and green! We are into the throes of Winter here so a treat to see your hydrangeas - I am just about to prune mine this week.


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