
Friday, June 26, 2015

Cutting........fabric and grass........

Yesterday was the twice monthly sew-in so I took my GO Baby! die cutter and batik scraps and cut the kite shape and corners.  I put the block in the photo so you can see what the pieces will make.  I left early to go home and mow the back yard.  I got new batteries for the mower so I was able to finish the whole yard.

My tomato plants are getting huge.

This one is the "on the vine" clusters like you can buy at the grocery store.

This one is the "Early Girl".

Mama Robin was worried every time I went around the corner of the house.  I dug out some huge weeds in the back garden and have a lot more to tackle today.


  1. Your tomatoes look like they are doing great. The weeds never stop with all this rain we have had. The fabric cutting looks very interesting. Wish I had more time to get my things done. Chris

  2. The bluebirds built right outside my they get upset everytime I go in or out.

  3. love that kite shape piece - your tomatoes will be ripe before you know it!

  4. Those make some fun blocks. Your tomatoes are getting big! It won't be long before you are enjoying them.

  5. It won't be long before you are enjoying BLTs!

  6. Love your new block, looking forward to seeing how it will turn out. For the first time that I remember, birds made nests inside a rose bush and a forsythia bush in my yard. One had 3 blue eggs so I am waiting to see when they open, I can see them from a window.

  7. Looks like fun new blocks--have not seen that die yet!! Tomatoes will be getting ripe soon!! Glad you got new batteries for the mower. Happy Sewing

  8. Your tomatoes have grown so much and with fruit on them! Finally this year we get a year with some heat and I didn't plant any tomatoes, duh.

    I love the kite die you used, will have to check that out. You come up with the most interesting projects and get so much done in one day, your are my inspiration.

  9. Your little robin is so very different from our English ones. Amazing to see.
    Jo x


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