
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Working outside......

The hosta on the right is at least 3 feet across and needs to be dug up this fall.  I will pull all of the babies off of it and replant a smaller portion.  Right now it is covering up several other small plants.  The one on the left is my tallest hosta and blooms late Aug. or early Sept. with big sweet smelling white lily type flowers.  I have about 5 of these throughout the back garden.  I dug and pulled weeds a couple times yesterday because it was a beautiful day to be outside.


  1. Garden looks wonderful. Yesterday was downpours all day. My niece was supposed to have an outdoor wedding and reception so they had to use plan C. Today is just as gloomy. Maybe after church, I will sew all day. My hostas are doing well this year, but not big enough to move/split. I would like some mini varieties for some small spots.

  2. One spring I divided my hosta and replanted them at our side yard. The next summer they were full and thick and they bloomed at the same time, they were beautiful and the smell was heavenly. I never would have believed that hosta could smell so wonderful. Your hosta look great too, I bet that 3' one is gorgeous. So many babies from that one.


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