
Friday, May 29, 2015

Sewing blocks, working outside...........

It was another beautiful day although a little warm in the afternoon.  I was gone in the morning and after lunch mowed the 2 side yards and part of the back before the mower battery ran out again.  I hope I can get the rest mowed today before it rains.  When the sun was setting I went out to cut volunteer trees and dig out big weeds.

I sewed the rest of the 16 patch blocks so now I'm ready to play with the design wall.
My third Weigela bush is in bloom now.

They are a unique shaped flower.

My tomato plants have doubled in size in one week in the ground.  I just buy the little plants that are less than $2 each.  I have room for one more so I have been thinking about buying one larger plant.  I read that you should plant flowers near the tomato plants to assure pollination.


  1. I have so many "volunteer" trees that I can not keep up with them - I try to pull up as many as I can well they are tiny and then get some brush killer, I cut them off very close to the ground and then use a small paint brush I brush the killer on them, this usually takes care of them but I have not been able to do this still this year because of all the rain. I hope I can get started in the next couple of weeks.
    Love the quilt blocks.

  2. Love the name, Volunteer Trees. Yup, I have those. Pulling them out seems to be a daily activity in my garden. I usually plant marigolds or nasturtiums near my tomatoes because I have read they are more tasty to bugs than the tomatoes. One year my nasturtiums were covered in aphids, but the tomatoes were untouched, so I keep doing it.

  3. The blocks look like they will make another fun quilt! I need to get out in the yard this weekend and get my seeds in the ground. We had a bit a rain so maybe the ground is a bit softer. I need to go and check and see if the Roundup I sprayed last weekend is doing it's job.

  4. We fight volunteer trees in our flower beds all the time. It's amazing how quickly they reach the point where they are too established for me to dig them out and I have to resort to cutting them off.

  5. I love 16-patch block quilts! Love your blocks, Wanda.
    Your flowers are beautiful.


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