
Thursday, May 28, 2015

More rows....

I helped a friend baste a quilt yesterday morning.  Then I planted some Canna bulbs and dug out some big weeds in the back garden.  I mowed the front yard until the battery ran out.  Then I worked on the colorwash.  I only changed one piece in the yellow/gold area and worked on adding rows.  I added 2 rows to the bottom and one to the top.  Now I need to get out the trays of squares and fill in the holes.  After that I will tweak the flow of values.  I can see several trouble areas in the photo that I couldn't see while staring at the design wall.


  1. It is just striking.....watching you work on this is giving me the itch to do one! I enjoy the tweaking stage. Absolutely the computer is a great tool for seeing any problem area. Up close I see a couple....from a distance only one! enjoy the process.

  2. I see three rectangles that could be replaced. But I had to look very closely. There is only one that really jumped at me.

  3. You had a busy day! I need to plant my canna also. I ran into a neighbor last evening on my walk and she asked me for a few canna rhizomes. I usually give her a few every year because she does not like to dig them up in the fall.

  4. Another fun day of gardening!!! Isn't it amazing how a camera catches things we don't see with our own eyes?

  5. Photos in the camera, photos on the computer, and especially photos posted online - always amazes me what I see that was missed in real time.

    Happy tweaking!

  6. It's amazing what you can see in a photograph that you don't see when looking at something directly. This is a beautiful piece.

  7. Oh, I love it! You are the colorwash BOMB!

  8. Another beautiful quilt in progress.


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