
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Filled in........

I have a little more tweaking to do but I got the top and bottom edge filled in with squares.  I changed out 3 pieces and still have another 3 or 4 that I would like to replace.

As the end of the month is near I have to make a decision whether I can do some more finishes in 2 days.  My plan to finish 4 this month started out great but all of the nice weather had me working outside a lot.
I finished mowing the backyard before lunch.  Then I cut off the damaged branches on my middle lilac bush.  The heavy wet snow bent the branches down to the ground and several were partially broken off and others just bent totally out of shape.  Brush pick up it is next week so it was time to do it.  Last night I dug out the rocks that were edging the garden and placed them farther out.  A lot of plants had jumped over the rocks and were growing in the grass.  Now I have a little less to mow and a prettier edge.
The Heliotrope is in bloom.  It is just as fragrant as the lilacs and peonies.  I have been breathing scented air at night for two weeks.  


  1. You must have way more energy than I have lately. Looks like your yard is shaping up well. The colorwash is very pretty. I like your choices. Chris

  2. I really like the rocks, they give your garden some definition. The quilt is going to be just fabulous, I so admire your ability to make these absolutely gorgeous color wash quilts, it's looks great to me now, but I know you will tweak it and then it will be perfect.

  3. Love the quilt progress. Great plants and yard. I am still behind on planting in the ground as it has been so dry. I don't know the heliotrope and its wonderful scent, have to look around.

  4. I want to come stay in your garden and cover up with one of your quilts. Be there shortly!

  5. Good morning Wanda,

    I can't believe all you got done after I left yesterday. We went to Costco, Caputos and Meijer, so by the time I put it all away and made dinner, I was pooped. I'm looking forward to spending some quality time doing as you suggested with the GO and will grab a couple of containers and begin filling them with HST's and 2 1/2" squares. Thanks for the help.

  6. It's so hard to find time to do everything. The garden must smell heavenly and it looks great too.

    I love the arrangement of your color wash now.

  7. The quilt top layout is beautiful. I have enjoyed watching it's progress. I do know what you mean about yard work taking sewing time, but you have a beautiful yard. I have been doing a lot of yardwork and gardening as well, it's that time of year!

  8. Your garden is really looking beautiful. I use rocks to contain mine as well. What # of color wash is this quilt? I read in an article once that some people see more colors than others. Do you think that is true with you?

  9. It's going to be beautiful, Wanda. You have more energy than me.

  10. I'm loving the colorwash. It looks perfect to me!
    Isn't it neat how we have fragrant blooms to enjoy even though the are different plants!

    Of course I have the opposite problem - it is too wet here to get outside much to work in the yard, and it needs it!

  11. I'm really curious to see what pieces you move - your colourwash designs are so much fun to watch come to life.
    Your garden is beautiful - it must be wonderful to be breathing in all those gorgeous scents!

  12. I love your beautiful...and very inspirational...I really want to make something like this one day. Your garden's looking good! Xx

  13. Love to watch your tweaking. Btw, I liked your bottom row better before you added a row though. How do you choose your fabrics for your colorwashes? You can reply in your blog.


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