
Saturday, April 25, 2015

More baking.....

I baked the other 2 batches of Spritz cookies, ironed the 55 year old pink damask tablecloth (that was one of my wedding gifts in 1959), and washed all of the serving plates for the cookies.  My little great grandson came to visit yesterday morning and he tested a cookie for me too.  

I cut one fabric for the triangle project and sewed a few triangle units.  After washing floors today I hope to get in a couple hours of sewing.  It feels so good to have a clean house. 


  1. I wish mine were clean. Hope you have a great time at your shower. Chris

  2. Those cookies are a wonderful work of art! Hope they taste as delicious as they look. How special that tablecloth must be and how time flies. Next year it will be our 50th anniversary so you've done even better than us. Congratulations, it's quite an achievement.
    Jo x

  3. Those cookies look delicious, your triangles are devine, your gardening is coming along a treat - do you ever get much time to sit and relax haha - hope your weekend is just a good after all your hard work :)

  4. It is a good thing that I don't live next door to you as I would sneak over and steal some cookies. They make my mouth water. Yes, I agree with you, there is nothing better than a clean house. Looks like we got married in the same year. It seems like eons ago, guess it is. Have a nice weekend and a wonderful shower. It is always nice to get together with friends and family.

  5. nothing like a party to make one give the house a through cleaning - have fun

  6. Your blog today was so encouraging to me. I'm having so much trouble getting around that it does my heart good to read of all you are doing. 1959...I was just finishing up 7th grade. I still have a couple pink damask napkins that were my mom's and they're treasured keepsakes. Our 40th wedding anniversary this Sunday and so thankful to have made it!

  7. Hope you have a wonderful and memorable day tomorrow!

  8. Those cookies look delicious! I had to make some oatmeal raisin cookies after reading about your cookies. ;) Oh, and a clean house? I haven't had one of those in a while. I need to do better!

  9. You are ready! Have a wonderful day today!

  10. Those pink Spritz cookies are so cute. Damask tablecloths seem to last forever, don't they?

  11. Enjoy that good feeling . . . I remember ironing my mother's tablecloths and trying NOT to make wrinkles by hurrying.

  12. I received my quilts two days ago and I love them. I'm so happy that I purchased them. They are beautiful. Alice.
    Alvgore at nycap dot rr dot com


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