
Friday, April 24, 2015

Triangles, garden, cookies.............

Here are the triangle units from the piles of triangles I showed yesterday.

They are up on the design wall as well as some more choices for future large squares.  If I have time tomorrow I will be working on the bottom section so I can sew more columns together.  

My inspiration quilt is the one done by Jenny Bowker.  She is the person who has the pattern for Shimmering Triangles on Craftsy.  I am not trying to imitate hers, just studying it to see how some of the fabrics work together.  I am just past the half way point with my designing now so many, many more fabrics will be added.  I'm trying not to repeat any fabrics but I may end up repeating some outside edge fabrics before I am done.
I walked out to the backyard to see how my garden is growing.  Some of the hostas are getting big, others are barely peeking out of the ground.

The earliest blooming peonies are getting tall.

The first batch of Spritz are baked.  They are so yummy.  Yes, I did have to test a be sure they would be OK to serve on Sunday.  They passed the test.


  1. The quilt is going to be beautiful! Spritz are my favorite cookie, but I only ever make them at Christmas. I don't know why...probably because that's when my mother made them. I think I may have to get the cookie press out...

  2. Good Morning Wanda, As the head of Quality Control, you are duty bound to sample any product that will be consumed by the public, just to make sure that said product is safe for human consumption, and sometimes it is necessary to taste quite a few just to be on the safe side. Have a good time at the shower and take lots of photos so you will have the memories to enjoy when it's all over. Enjoy the day!!!

  3. Your quilt is going to be really special. It is fascinating watching it come together. (Cookies are my downfall!)

  4. I looked at the Jenny Bowker site. I think your fabrics are more dynamic than the ones she shows at that link.

  5. Thank you for the link to Jenny Bowker. I like what she wrote about how this technique "forces" happy blending.

  6. The quilt is really coming along beautifully!

  7. The quilt is beautiful. Can't wait to see the finished project. Spring is finally here. Now we need it to get a bit warmer. It is pretty when taking a ride to see all the beautiful blooming bushes and trees. I love the new beginning of the year.

  8. Your quilt is progressing.
    Wow your peonies are tall. They will be gorgeous when they bloom.

  9. This is looking so amazing, just full of colour!
    Hope you have a lovely day Sunday.

  10. Wow, that quilt does shimmer and sparkle!
    I've been off sugar for over a year, and thought I was past craving it. Those spritz cookies just reached out of the computer screen and tickled my taste buds! They're my favorite, and yours look perfect.


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