
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sewing and last treat baked.......

I sewed this group of triangle squares and then went down to the basement.

I had seven of these blocks to sew together to prepare the next two columns to be added to the first sewn group.

After sewing those blocks I'm off to the next decision.  You can see I have one more triangle unit to sew before I can sew those 2 rows together.  I need to decide whether to use 2 of the 3 pink/red fabrics next or switch those with those darker purple ones to their right.  After all of the company leaves I'll make the decision.
My sister-in-law brought over the floral centerpiece that she had ordered.

I baked my last batch of sweets for the shower.  They are frosted creams, a molasses based sheet cake.  It is a family favorite.  

Company should start arriving a little after one.  I'm looking forward to seeing the family members that I haven't seen for several years.


  1. Enjoy your time after all your hard work. Chris

  2. enjoy your day, I'm sure you will have fun, it is always fun to see family members that you have not seen in awhile and meet people who will be new extended family members as well.

  3. Hope your day was lovely. Mine would be if I had one of those molasses creams. Would you share the recipe?

    at sbcglobal
    dot net

  4. another vote for sharing the recipe for those tempting bar cookies!!!!

  5. Frosted creams are great. One of my family favorites, too !!

  6. Those look yummy - both the food and the blocks! Have a wonderful time with the shower.

  7. For once I'm not eyeing up just the food but that pretty tablecloth beneath the floral centerpiece. Is that the one you mentioned the other day?

    Have a wonderful time. It's a nice sunny day for a party.

  8. Clean house. Baked treats. Company coming....

    Have lots of fun.

  9. As always a very busy lady. The centerpiece is beautiful and definitely says "Spring". Now you have a clean house and wonderful desserts and good company for the afternoon. What a beautiful sun shiny day.

  10. Would you share the recipe? They sound delicious.

    I hope you all have a wonderful time at the shower!

  11. The quilt looks like it will be very colorful and pretty! I had to comment about the dessert, though. Frosted Creams are a favorite in my family too, but I've never met anyone else who has heard of them. They are so yummy, especially with cream cheese frosting!

  12. Could you give me your recipe ?
    Have a nice day

  13. I agree with quilt diva Julie, a sharing of this recipe would be greatly appreciated! It looks and sounds yummy! I hope you and all the family had a great time today! I can't wait to hear wedding details. Was there a color theme to the wedding? Did anyone cry? Oh come on, Wanda, you can fess up. We know you're a big romantic!
    Of course, I know no such thing, just kidding. But catching up, reconnecting with family, and being able to celebrate the newlyweds' first moments together as husband and wife certainly does sound like a special day! It was very nice of you to provide the venue for everyone to get together, and goodies,

  14. I agree, the bars look yummy! Hope you will be sharing the recipe. Glad you had such a happy occasion to share with all your loved ones!


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