
Monday, January 6, 2014

Pink and orange blocks..........

I finished the last two blocks last night and I have them all on a design wall but I have to move a table before I can take a photo of them all together.

The first orange cactus flower has bloomed.  There was low natural light this morning with the snow storm so I'll get a better photo of later blooms.

I think we got 9 or 10 inches of snow on top of what was already on the ground.  The birds were busy at the feeders all day.

The squirrel hopped from spot to spot in the deep snow and he wasn't about to let the birds have all of the bird seed.   Usually there are 2 or 3 squirrels chasing each other around but not yesterday, just one.

I shoveled at 7 a.m. and again around 3:30 p.m.  The flower bed will have plenty of moisture this winter.

The squirrel baffles have done two jobs, kept the squirrels away and protect the feeders from getting filled with snow.  Today is supposed to be around -14 so I think I'll be inside most of the day.


  1. It's a good day to stay indoors sewing.
    You keep warm and I'll stay dry! LOL

  2. Love those blocks! Winter has really moved in fast this year. We have more snow than ever already.

  3. The colors today remind me of Christmas cactus! My peach one is also blooming, but it is so gloomy here, a picture won't work. We had tons of rain and now high wind. South of Buffalo, they are getting lake effect snow. I would prefer snow over gloomy rain. I can't believe how small your sewing machine looks in relation to those blocks.

  4. love how that quilt is coming along - the more I see it the more I want to make that one.
    We didn't get the snow but we have the cold

  5. I love your spectrum of colors in each block--coming so cacti have finished blooming it seems. Do you keep them moist after flowering is over--or do you let them dry a bit? I love that salmon-ey color one you have--I am on the lookout for a yellow one,,,
    Hugs, Julierose

  6. These are awesome blocks, and I can't wait to see them all together. I love tessellation quilts!

  7. You must be getting close to the end! It will be lovely. I guess if you weren't shoveling snow, feeding birds, and all the other extra duties living in your climate requires-you would have time to move the table and we could see the quilt-ha! Keep warm.

  8. Ugh. I thought 23 was bad here in Austin. Love the pink and orange and you even have an orange cactus flower to match. Keep warm.

  9. It is 11 degrees here with "real feel" of -8 . . . yes, indoors is good on days like this!

    Will be fun to see all your color blocks together!

  10. So I guess I can expect it to be colder here tomorrow since you have -14 today. Yeah! not! It is snowing a bit here right now. The orange flower is beautiful and so are the blocks. This week I saw the deer looking desperately for anything to eat and one of those giant red headed woodpeckers. He was fun to watch especially the way he hopped up and down the trees.

  11. It is definitely a good day to stay inside. I like the orange and pink blocks and look forward to seeing them all together.

  12. We are warm compared to you! WE had a low of 16! I will not complain about it again!

  13. I can't wait to see all of your colors playing together in this fun quilt! You be careful doing anything outside in this weather!

  14. Love the look of this quilt you are currently working on. The colors are exciting! Can't wait to see it completed. Karen K

  15. Love the blocks and the cactus - the colours are wonderful!

  16. Orange and Strawberry Sherbet are these last two blocks ~ just delicious to look at... And enjoyed your photo of another dancing cacti... Your snow reminds me of the Tundra. That is not a record but the temps sure sound like they are.



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