
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

All nine blocks............

I think this is my final arrangement but I'll give it a couple days before I sew it together.

The temperature got all the way up to -11 degrees by evening yesterday.  We're supposed to get above 0 today.  I sewed all day yesterday finishing the final 24 log cabin blocks.  I had to cut some more dark strips to finish them.  Each block by itself isn't very pretty but when they get together in a layout, the all over design is wonderful.  See this post for the first group of blocks on the design wall.

The sun was shining yesterday so now you can see the true color of the orange cactus bloom.

The white one bloomed too.


  1. Ok... maybe now they look more like balloons than, lanterns.... We are SOOOOO cold today. The arctic blast has arrived!!! This one of the few times I am glad we have a center townhouse, rather than an end unit.... We only have to heat 2 exposed sides.... If we have any sun today... I just may lay in it like a cat.

  2. Warmer is a good thing. The quilt blocks all of them are really attractive. Glad you didn't have a running day in the cold. Chris

  3. Lovely to see finished top. I have a cactus with white flowers.

    Love all your work.

    We have got bad wet weather here in the UK as well.

  4. That is one beautiful quilt top. Very inspiring too.
    Looking forward to seeing the log cabin blocks again too.
    Keep warm.

  5. Wanda, I can't imagine -11. Brrrr.. it is 10 here this morning and I am wanting to hibernate.

    it is amazing the difference between those individual blocks and then seeing some like them in the layout. You have a great sense of color value.

  6. Your quilt has so much movement in it. Very nice. Keep warm and cozy inside.

  7. This is just a wonderful quilt of colors! It is so tempting to me to play with one using all my florals. I love the big size too.
    The log cabin is always a surprise when set together...know yours will be spectacular.
    It's 7 degrees here this morning....but we have sunshine and hope of hitting 30 today. Nothing like arctic air to make us sew. Stay warm.

  8. Breathtaking, Wanda! I like yours much better than the one in the book.
    Although, I would change the arrangement. Let me know if you'd like to hear what I would change. :)

  9. -9 in Akron, Ohio with a wind chill of -30. The weather people said spring is 71 days away. The quilt top is beautiful! I love log cabin quilts and those are some great blocks. The blooms are so pretty.

  10. I actually think the log cabin blocks are very pretty! I love them. The other is really neat too I like them all together. Woke up to 9 this morning and will get back to the 30's today - so glad - I hate a chilly house. My cousin that lives in Milwaukee had his furnace go out yesterday - thankfully someone is coming to work on it today but it was too cold to stay home and he and the family had to go sleep at a friends home

  11. I like the "lanterns", but LOVE the plaids!

    It's comparatively balmy here in north Florida: 25 degrees! And dry, which is the part I care about: Cool and dry is "a good candy-making day". I'm going to make two kinds of caramels.


  12. This pattern / colors is a striking combination. I really like it.

    You and your cactus get along well. I've enjoyed several photos of your plants. Mine do not like me very much. They might just bloom again anyway. At least there are buds now.

  13. o I am not going to complain about the 79 degrees that it got here yesterday. When I started quilting 25 years ago, I made log cabin quilts for everyone in my family and thought I would never want to make one again. Love your plaids! I like the colors and contrasts in the other quilt. Stay warm and send us some cold this way:)

  14. Love the way your blocks look all laid out on the wall! Bright and cheery, definitely you!

  15. Those blocks are just so interesting... And the background fabric effect with all those strips is fun to look at too. Great fabrics!

  16. I'm loving your process - waiting a day or two to see if you still like the layout. I love it, if that counts for anything! :)

  17. I am really loving your strippy blocks!

  18. I like how you arranged it with the warm blocks in the corners. I think that big blocks are the hardest to arrange and balance.

  19. I like your layout, and the log cabin blocks are really pretty with the homespuns. I wish I had your green thumb for plants! It used to be that about all I could grow was a snake plant, then one day I looked and it too had died. Oh well...

  20. I just love your new blocks. And I really want an orange cactus. My red one is covered with blooms, the white one is waiting til next year, I think.

  21. I have loved each block separately, but WOW all together they are magnificent. I really like your layout.

    Log cabin blocks always have a wonderful cozy appeal. Especially the ones you design.

    Cacti blossoms supreme. I am sure they warm you up just looking at them.


  22. Dear Wanda, your soul searching Material Obsession blocks are far more sensational than the quilt in the M,O book . I love them .
    They are clearer and stand out so well . Congratulations
    Love those Christmas cacti too.

  23. Beautiful layout. I like the log cabin blocks. I would never have tried plaids!

  24. It is beautiful! When you mentioned how big the blocks were, I was skeptical. But altogether it is really stunning! What is finished size?

  25. This layout is stunning. Each block was so pretty by itself, but the sum of the parts = something special.
    I'm really close to ordering that Mat.Obs. book. Maybe I'll just have to treat myself, as a reward for surviving the ugly winter temps.

  26. It is so wonderful - and you finished it so quickly. I just love it!

  27. I don't think I've ever seen a white Christmas cactus anywhere but here. It is so pretty! And I CANNOT wait to see your log cabin blocks all put together. The Soul Searching is really looking good, too.

  28. Those blocks look fabulous!!!! What a pretty quilt that makes. The cactus color is so pretty too.

    I'd say that sewing sounds like a good way to pass the time during the cold.

  29. Your Lantern blocks are awesome, Wanda. Love the vibrant colors and your neutrals.
    The plaid blocks are pretty, great together. Definitely a guy friendly quilt.

  30. I love the lantern blocks--the white/black fabric is great as the background. On the arrangement--I wonder about having the black block in the middle--my eye keeps getting pulled there rather than moving around the quilt.

  31. The lantern blocks are wonderful! THQT is going to be a beautiful quilt.
    The log cabin blocks look so warm and inviting. That will be a very cozy quilt, I think.

  32. Wow! Your quilt looks a-mazing!!

  33. Just as I expected........your "Soul Searching" quilt top is amazing! I love the colors you chose, but, your neutrals in black and white are mouth watering! I can't wait to see your layout for your log cabin blocks.

  34. This quilt is spectacular. Stay warm!

  35. I loved watching this quilt come together. It is so colorful and eye-catching! I look forward to seeing the finished product.


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