
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Binding started............

Since the backing and binding aren't batiks I decided to had stitch the binding.  The day started out with my electrician coming to fix a faulty switch on one of my basement lights.  Then I worked outside emptying all of the porch pots.  I hit my hand into the outlet box on the front of the garage when I picked up one pot so now I have a scrape and a bruise.  I got my birdbath emptied and moved up by the house for the winter.  I still need to bring the 2 hoses in and should have done it while it was in the high 50s because a cold front is coming today.  When I came in I cut 7 more Blazing Star blocks but didn't feel like sewing them yet.

What is the deal with chocolate chips not melting?  I knew I couldn't use milk chocolate chips because I tried them once and they didn't melt.  The semi-sweet chips have always melted before but these?  Not so great.  So much for my dish to pass.  It will still taste good but I don't think I want to explain what is on top............


  1. binding- a nice quiet project... and chocolate chips.... they may be putting more filler ingredients (like wax) in them to stretch the chocolate....

  2. Doesn't sound like you had a real good day. The change in the chips is true. Maybe next time pre melt them in micro before trying to spread them. Chris etitymo 67

  3. Sometimes I find doing the hand work on a binding very soothing. I hope your hand injury doesn't slow you down.

  4. I hadn't tried to melt chocolate chips recently so haven't noticed any difference thanks for the head up. The cold front well get here to Arkansas on Tuesday - hard to believe night temps well be at 24 for two nights - so early for us - said wind chill will be like 30 in the daytime! fireplace will be going.

  5. we are getting in the 40's here at night but daytime still high 70's. really like the backing on your quilt and hopefully that was just a fluke with the choc chips.

  6. It sounds like you are getting ready for the winter. Brrr.

    Could you use a hair dryer to melt the chocolate?

  7. The "I don't think I want to explain" comment is great!

    It is supposed to be warm and gorgeous here today -- yesterday is was gray and damp and chilly.

  8. We all have days like yours, with so much outside work and then getting a nasty scrape and bruise is not fun. You have my sympathy.

    I am just guessing ... and suggesting that you turn on your broiler set under for a few seconds and remove when they look spreadable. Don't toss the !


  9. Chocolate chips will not melt and spread into a flat layer on their own. Even when you melt them in the microwave, they maintain their shape, even when very soft. (You actually have to watch not to burn them b/c they don't *look* melted.) But when they're soft, you can easily spread them or stir them into a nice icing.

  10. I wonder if sticking the pan under the broiler for a minute or two will soften the chocolate then you can spread it...just a thought.

  11. Just wanted to tell you how much I look forward to your posts each day. Your quilts inspire me to stop
    procrastinating and actually get some piecing/quilting done. Jean in OK...

  12. Too bad about you dessert to pass. Try Hershey bars they usually work. Weather is supposed to be near 60 by the weekend so you may want to put off your outside work until then.

  13. I haven't tried melting them in a long time, but I would try the tip above, melting them in microwave first. Not sure what else would help.

  14. I always hand stitch bindings. It's one of my favorite things to do, such a wonderful sense of completion! But then, I'm a hand stitcher at heart; I'd much sooner hand piece a quilt any day than machine piece it - except when I'm dealing with batiks or if I'm sewing something which has to be recut later (in which case it tends to all unravel if it's hand stitched!). I send almost all my quilts out for machine quilting, and fortunately my dear friend who is the machine quilter does an awesome job - even with hand pieced tops.

  15. Hey Wanda, I had this happen before. When I melted the chocolate over water as soon as it was melted I had to put it on the cookies. When I didn't, it got hard. Who knew!!

  16. the weather is a turning for sure. it is getting cold here too. we are supposed to see snow showers today. YUCK....... I did manage to shut off the outside faucets and get most of that stuff done. the leaves though have a mind of their own. keep falling as if to taunt me. I have raked every day for the month of October and still they fall. grrrr.... will be glad to see Spring!

  17. Some years back I had a house fire. The fire dept. got here quickly and only one room was damaged. When we started to clean up, we found a bag of M & M's under some fabric - they had NOT melted at all. Lots of things melted or burned. Not the candy!!

  18. We are suppose to get a freeze tonight so we covered the outside pipes. I guess the tomatos are gone!


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