
Monday, November 11, 2013

Starting new blocks...........

I started cutting the Roberta Horton plaids and stripes from the 1990s with my log cabin die.  I had a bunch of the plaids and stripes that I hadn't washed so I did a load yesterday and got most of them pressed.  We were advised to wash them back when they first came out because they would probably shrink more than other quilting cottons. They are really soft, about the same weight as the Kaffe shot cottons.  I thought I might have to starch them but they cut just fine with the die cutter without it.  The strips are 1" finished and the block will be 12" finished. I have a lot more cutting to do.  I think I have at least 80 different fabrics.


  1. Plaids! FUN!!!


  2. I love plaids. You amaze me at how much new fabric and projects you come up with. Looks like fun. Chris

  3. Wow! What an interesting change of pace. Great colors.

  4. Wow, very traditional with the red centers and totally different from your usual style.

  5. This is going to be fabulous . . . what treasures your stash holds!

    I would love to make a log cabin - but the cutting process has always held me back (hence the reason I've done wonky log blocks using scraps and strings). One of these days, I'll get serious (perhaps that looming 40th anniversary quilt is a good place to focus)

  6. nice! I have very few plaids, these look great

  7. Of course I love those plaids! This will be such a soft pretty quilt!

  8. Oh my. Beautiful plaids and blocks. This is going to be fun to watch.

  9. How very interesting today's post is. I have never heard of Kaffe shot cottons. But I am not a quilter either, as you well know.

    Your red center really makes these squares jump right off the screen into my heart. Have always loved the precision of plaids and how neat and tidy they are.


  10. That is going to be gorgeous and I love the traditional reds you are using.

  11. This is a wonderful use of those plaids! I wish they'd manufacture those again.

  12. Those look great so far! Perhaps this is a good place to use some of the shirting prints I have....thinking.

  13. This is going to turn into a wonderful quilt. For some reason, plaids always make me think of winter so the timing is perfect!

  14. I can't wait to see this one come together. I see mediyummies in the lights & darks - those will be fun to see as a whole - where they play well - how they will still be perceived as light or dark.

  15. I love plaids...I have been saving some...along with my husband'sold shirts...for a while. Now I just need to do something with will inspire me! Teresa :o)

  16. Your Roberta H. plaids reminded me that I have a small stash of them. I got them in the mid-90's when Better Homes and Gardens had a craft-of-the-month club. The plaids (fat 8ths maybe?) came with a simple pattern for a four-patch-in-a-square. I put pattern and fabric into a box where they are to this day. High time to unearth that box!


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